v format

[电] V格式

  • Chapter 3 mainly analyzes the core verb V in the format of gei X + V .

    第三章主要是对 格式给X+V中的核心动词 V进行分析。

  • This paper gives an installation method of off & line printer in XENIX System V it alse gives some practical method to modify the output format in the system .

    本文给出在多用户 XENIX操作系统中脱机打印机的安装方法及在实际使用中如何根据需要修改脱机打印的输出 格式,并给出在此系统中使用带有字库打印机的字体控制方法。

  • V jiu VP is a common format in the modern Chinese spoken language formats and the structure of the composition refers to a verb and the verb as the center of the verb phrase combinations to insert an adverb jiu .

    V就VP 格式是现代汉语口语中比较常见的一种格式,具体来讲就是指一个动词和以该动词为中心的动词性短语组合,中间插入一个副词就组成的结构。

  • Based on the analysis of the preceding chapters Chapter V mainly refines the opinions on improving the insurance law and jurisdiction with the intention of playing the positive and active role toward the the effectiveness evaluation of exclusion clauses in format insurance contracts .

    章主要立足前述各章的论析,提炼完善保险法制和保险司法的意见,期可对 格式保险合同免责条款的效力评价起到正面和积极的作用。

  • Chapter V on the Qilu Evening News community news format introduced the innovation of Chapter VI Qilu Evening News community news news planning .

    章介绍了《齐鲁晚报》社区新闻的 版式创新第六章介绍了《齐鲁晚报》社区新闻的新闻策划。