


  • Pelvic factor infertility is caused by conditions that affect the fallopian tubes peritoneum or uterus .

    盆腔因素引起的不孕包括了输卵管,腹膜或 子宫因素。

  • It helps to show how the belt and the airbag affect the uterus placenta and foetus .

    它将显示安全带和安全气囊如何影响孕妇的 子宫、胎盘和胎儿。

  • The uterus consists of two uterine horns a body and a cervix .

    子宫是由两个子宫角,一个 子宫体和一个子宫颈构成。

  • Consisting of the uterine body and horns the uterus serves several functions .

    由子宫体和子宫角组成, 子宫有很多功能。

  • Objective To explore the change of apoptosis and proliferative activity in the adenomyosis of the uterus .

    目的探讨 子宫腺肌病组织中细胞凋亡和增殖活性的改变。

  • The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries with the uterus

    输卵管连接着卵巢和 子宫

  • Uterine Bleeding : ABnormal Bleeding from the uterus not related to menstruation .

    子宫出血:一种妇科症状,表现为与月经无关的 子宫 出血。

  • I don 't have a uterus to prolapse .

    我就没有一个 子宫可以下垂了。

  • The cervix of the uterus polyp also has certain adverse effect to the childbirth .


  • Objective The clinical characteristic of the ovary benign tumors of uterus around the menopause was analyzed .

    目的分析绝经前后 子宫卵巢良性肿瘤的临床特点,探讨此类人群的手术范围。

  • The uterus is supplied with a rich network of blood vessels and nerves .

    密布的血管和神经网向 子宫输送养料。

  • Conclusion Qinggongliu Pills has the effect of inhibiting hyperplasia of uterus smooth muscle analgesia and anti-inflammatory .

    结论清宫瘤丸具有抑制 子宫平滑肌增生、镇痛和抗炎的作用。

  • Non-identical twins are the result of two fertilised eggs implanting in the uterus at the same time .

    非同卵双生子是两个受精卵同时在 子宫 着床的结果。

  • The uterus has an intramural and a subserosal leiomyoma .


  • Surgical removal of the uterus and cervix .

    切除 子宫和宫颈的手术。

  • Three pregnant uterus can be open and add to simulated gestation sac ;

    三个怀孕 子宫都可以打开,放入模拟妊娠囊。

  • Objective To study the effect of myoma of uterus concurring pregnancy on pregnancy and treatment .

    目的探讨 子宫肌瘤合并妊娠时对妊娠的影响及其处理方法。

  • Pelvic organ prolapse can mean the falling of the bladder uterus vagina or lower bowel .

    骨盆器官脱垂意味着膀胱、 子宫和阴道的衰退以及肠道功能降低。

  • Pregnancy begins when the fertilized egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus .

    当受精卵植入 子宫壁时,妊娠就开始了。

  • I have a little clear patch that contains bio-identical estrogen . A progesterone IUD was inserted in my uterus .

    我的身上有一个小的透明贴片,里面含有生物同质性雌激素, 子宫内则放置了一个黄体酮节育器。

  • Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and treatment of ectopic pregnancy in the uterus .

    目的探讨 子宫 部位异位妊娠的临床特征和处理对策。

  • Sometimes the original abortion was done so badly that the uterus prolapsed .

    有时第一次流产手术做得太糟糕,会导致 子宫下垂。

  • The ultrasonography is the main method for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy in the uterus .

    结论 子宫 部位异位妊娠 容易误诊,超声检查是诊断的主要方法。

  • In girls the infection can move into the uterus fallopian tubes and ovaries ( causing PID ) and can lead to scarring and infertility ( the inability to have a baby ) .

    在女孩的感染可进入 子宫,输卵管,卵巢和(导致PID)和可导致结疤和不孕(无法有一个婴儿)。

  • Caution : This point is forbidden for pregnant women because its stimulation can cause premature contractions in the uterus .

    注意:这一点对于孕妇是被禁止的,因为它的刺激可引起 子宫早期收缩研究。

  • The article explain that effect of adopting different ways to flush embryo for horn of uterus in boer goats .

    本文比较了采用两种程序对波尔山羊进行 子宫角冲胚的效果,并且分析了各自的利弊,为胚胎移植提供了依据。

  • The placenta and fetal membranes expelled from the uterus following childbirth .

    胞衣分娩后 子宫排出的胎盘和胎膜。

  • The placenta 's grown into the uterus wall .

    胎盘长到 子宫壁上了。

  • In humans and monkeys there is only one uterus .

    人和猴只有一个 子宫