


  • Case located in uvula and nodulus of cerebellar inferior vermis and vegetated ahead into rearward of medulla oblongata ;

    1例局限于下蚓部 蚓垂及小结区向前侵犯延髓后缘;

  • Clinical application of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty with uvula preservation and tongue base radiofrequency reduction


  • It occurs when the muscles of the soft palate at the base of the tongue and the uvula ( the small fleshy piece of tissue hanging back of the throat ) relax partially blocking the opening of the airway .

    当舌根部分的软腭肌肉和 小舌都放松时,会部分阻塞呼吸道,这时 睡眠 呼吸 暂停就发生了。

  • The azygous muscle of the uvula .


  • Study on Effect of UPPP with Uvula Reserved Completely


  • Conclusion : The study suggests that the enlarge of lingua and uvula be the one of etiology of OSAS .

    结论:舌 增大 软腭组织增厚与 悬雍垂 延长 导致 咽部 狭窄是OSAS发生的重要原因。

  • The largest Eurasian bird of prey ; having black feathers hanging around the bill . the azygous muscle of the uvula .

    欧亚大陆最大的肉食鸟;嘴嘴周围有悬垂的黑色羽毛。悬 垂的非对偶的肌肉。

  • Snoring is caused when soft tissue in the airways – the palate or uvula – relaxes during sleep and vibrates .

    打鼾是由于气道&上颚或者 舌头的软组织在睡眠期间放松并振动而产生的。

  • RESULTS : Twelve patients with head and neck tumor involved typical different anatomical regions were studied including nasopharynx maxilla oropharynx parotid glands gingival mandible cheek palate tongue uvula tonsil and floor of mouth .

    结果:12例头颈部根治性放疗的恶性肿瘤,包括鼻咽、上颌窦、口咽、腮腺、下牙龈、颊、磨牙后区、腭、舌、 、扁桃体、口底恶性肿瘤各1例。

  • Conclusions Repairing cleft lip and palate simultaneously during the infancy has high rates of dyspnea and ruptured incision in uvula though which contributes to clear pronunciation and has other merits and perfect anesthesia is important to success in operation .

    结论婴儿期同时修复唇腭裂虽具有术后语音效果好及其他优点,但呼吸困难及 悬雍垂裂开发生率高,良好的麻醉对保证手术成功至关重要。

  • Objective To observe the curative effect of radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction ( RFTVR ) and plastic surgery of uvula and soft palate on obstructive sleep apnea syndrome .

    目的观察射频组织缩积术(RFTVR)行 悬雍垂、软腭成形术治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的疗效。

  • Our examination revealed bilateral swelling of the soft palate with a midline uvula pushed anteriorly ( Panel A arrows ) .

    查体发现双侧软腭肿胀, 悬雍垂被推到了前面。

  • The pathological changes in the pharynx were mainly congestion and edema of uvula and soft palate showing a positive correlation of the lesion with the degree of intoxication .

    咽部表现主要有 悬雍垂和软腭充血水肿,病情与中毒程度呈正比;

  • There were 29 hard palatal fistulas 15 dehiscence in soft palate and uvula .

    29例并发硬腭瘘,15例软腭 悬雍垂裂开。

  • Uvula remaining uvulopalatopharyngoplasty and radiofrequency ablation for obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome They were treated by tonsillectomy and / or adenoidectomy under general anesthesia 3 patients were also operation with UPPP and 15 patients by myringotomy .

    保留 悬雍垂的腭咽成形加低温等离子射频治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征在全麻下行扁桃体和腺样体切除术,同时行改良悬雍垂腭咽成形3例,双侧鼓膜切开引流术15例。

  • This report have investigated on morphology of plate uvula in 113 deaf & mute and 154 healthy humen .

    本文对113例聋哑人和154例正常健康人 悬雍垂 进行形态学的调查、比较和研究。

  • Objective To contrast the postoperative complications between UPPP and Uvula preserving UPPP .

    目的比较改良腭咽成形术(保留悬雍垂 全长的UPPP手术)与 经典 悬雍垂腭咽成形术(UPPP)两种手术并发症的发生情况。

  • Conclusion The results suggest that anatomic changes of the upper airway at different levels and an increase of the pharyngeal wall resilience in the uvula region are major etiological factors for OSAS .

    结论OSAS的发病受多种因素的影响, 软腭后区、悬雍垂后区和 后区的解剖性 狭窄 悬雍垂 后区咽壁顺应性增强是OSAS发病的主要因素。

  • The designs of incision were different :( 1 ) In group A through soft palate to uvula the incision of edge of cleft were partial to a side of mouth cavity 2-4mm ;

    切口设计:(1)A组软腭至 悬雍垂裂隙边缘切口均偏向口腔侧2~4mm;将 软腭组织不等份剖开,鼻腔侧多于口腔侧。

  • Methods To study 43 cases after UPPP and 43 cases after modified UPPP ( uvula remaining ) at complications symptom improving and oropharyngeal cavity measurement .

    方法比较43例UPPP与43例 保留 悬雍垂的改良UPPP的术中术后并发症、术后症状改善程度以及术后咽腔测量结果。

  • Results : Changes had taken place in mucosa gland muscle nerve and blood vessel of uvula specimen in severe OSAHS .

    结果: 患者 悬雍垂的黏膜、腺体、肌肉、神经、血管等 不同 程度的变化。

  • Breathing during sleep with harsh noises caused by vibration of the uvula or soft palate .

    睡觉时呼吸有由 小舌或者 软颚的振动导致的刺耳声音。

  • Conclusions Reserving uvula in UPPP can reduce the postoperative complication and enhance the life quality without degrading the therapeutic effectiveness .

    结论:保留 悬雍垂的UPPP与不 保留 悬雍垂的UPPP相比较,其手术有效率没有降低,其术后并发症的发生率较不 保留悬雍垂 患者生活质量 较高

  • Diseases of the uvula : an analysis of 94 cases


  • Ninety-four cases with diseases of the uvula were observed in clinical practice and general physical examination . Among the 94 patients ;

    本文报道在体检和临床工作中收集到的94例 悬雍垂疾病。

  • Results : The amount of bleeding was lower than 20 ml. The palatal arch and the uvula were swelled little . Pseudomembrane sprouted 12 to 18 hours later .

    结果:术中术后均无大出血,出血量均<20ml,腭弓、 悬雍垂肿胀轻,伪膜于12~18h后萌出,术后12h后进半流质饮食。

  • METHODS : The patients were treated by modified UPPP which maintained the normal anatomic form of pharyngeal cavity reserved the uvula performed oblique straight incision along palatoglossal arch to soft palate and avoided the incision of inverse U type .

    方法:改良传统悬雍垂腭咽成形术手术方法,维持咽腔正常生理解剖形态,保留 悬雍垂,沿腭舌弓切口向软腭方向做斜行直切口,避免倒U型切口。

  • Effect of uvula remaining for uvulopalatopharyngoplasty

    悬雍垂保留在 悬雍垂腭咽成形术中的作用

  • Objective To explore the effect of uvula remaining for uvulopalatopharyngoplasty ( UPPP ) .

    目的探讨 悬雍垂保留在悬雍垂腭咽成形术(UPPP)中的作用。