


  • The Inherent Relationship between Utilitarianism and Analytical Jurisprudence


  • The present problems were analysed : the higher scholarship inconsistent with actual ability despising clinical thinking and stressing utilitarianism .

    分析目前存在的问题,高学历与实际能力不符、轻视临床思维分析、 功利主义 思想 严重

  • Act utilitarianism holds that we must study each action in all of its specific details to determine its utility .

    行为 效用 主义认为,必须研究每个行为的每一个特定细节以决定它的效用大小。

  • We further distinguish between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism .

    我们对行为 效用 主义和规则效用主义加以进一步的区分。

  • The central focus of utilitarianism is happiness or pleasure .


  • Hypocrisy and Utilitarianism of the Upper Class in Emma

    从《爱玛》看上流社会的虚伪和 功利主义

  • Locke is regarded as a pioneer of the English empiricism and estheticism in the following three aspects : the subjectivity in the nature of beauty imagination of esthetic activity and utilitarianism of the artistic education .

    摘要洛克是英国经验主义哲学和美学的开创者,其美学思想表现在三个方面,即美的本质的主体性,审美活动的想像性和艺术教育的 功利

  • The humanities'new picture took account of some of the same responses to industrialism and utilitarianism that gave rise to the Romantic movement in literature and art .

    人文科学的新图画纪录了对工业主义和 功利主义的反应,它和曾经产生文学艺术上的浪漫主义运动的反应相同。

  • Between them they came up with the ethical theory known as utilitarianism .

    两人都提出了被称为 功利主义的道德理论。

  • In the theories of social equity in Western countries rawls 's theory of justice amartya ? Sen 's theory of capacity and utilitarianism 's theory of the maximized welfare are representative .

    在西方各种社会公平理论中,罗尔斯的公平正义理论、阿马蒂亚?森的“可行能力”平等理论和 功利主义的社会福利最大化理论最具代表性。

  • In all Xenophon 's works Socrates stuck to the utilitarianism of beauty all the time .

    色诺芬的全部著作中,苏格拉底前后一贯地主张美的 功利主义观点。

  • Free from utilitarianism and pragmatism .


  • Utilitarianism and pragmatism coexist with the games adventures and thrills in life .

    生活的 功利 和实用化与生活的游戏、冒险、刺激,相互并存。

  • Comparison between Bentham and Mill 's Utilitarianism

    边沁与密尔的 功利主义 思想的比较及现实价值

  • Economic Man idea is a premiss of the mostly schools of the west countries to make their point such as Classical Liberalism Utilitarianism and New Liberalism .

    经济人思想是西方国家大多学派如古典自由主义、 功利主义和新自由主义等的立论前提。

  • The developing disequilibrium of international economy and politics the continuous expansion of world population the concept of utilitarianism and contemporary consumption doctrine and the minus effect of science and technology application are the key factors that cause the environmental protection predicament .

    摘要国际经济和政治发展的不平衡、全球人口持续膨胀、 功利主义和现代消费主义的观念,以及科技应用的负效应是导致环境保护困境的重要因素。

  • Utilitarianism is a very broad imprecise concept that covers a multitude of underlying theoretical positions .


  • But it doesn t surmount the thinking mode of machinery natural view dual philosophy foundation utilitarianism and positivism .

    但仍然没有超越机械自然观和主客二分的二元论哲学基础和 功利主义、实证主义的思维方式。

  • One who advocates or practices utilitarianism .

    功利主义 或实行 实用主义的人。

  • Modern New Utilitarianism : A Study of New Ethics ( 1 )

    当代新 功利主义&《新伦理学》研究(1)

  • In the development of Western legal thought history the natural law utilitarianism law analysis of legal positivism and social law and other schools were created .

    在西方法律思想史的发展过程中,主要产生了自然法学、 功利主义法学、分析实证主义法学以及社会法学等流派。

  • The science outlook of utilitarianism and idealism originate from and represent respectively these two traditions .


  • Historically the theory of retribution penalty and the penalty concept with utilitarianism had been appeared one by one .

    作为刑罚的价值观,历史上先后出现了报应刑理论和 功利主义刑罚观。

  • A phenomenon marking the prevalence of utilitarianism is that people are now admiring fortune heroes in an extreme way .

    现在,人们以极度崇拜财富英雄。这种现象反映了 功利主义 思想的蔓延。

  • Problems such as utilitarianism un-proficient teachers and poor management exist during the training .

    培训中存在着 功利主义思想和培训师资与管理较差等问题。

  • The root of ideal is withering eventually the secular spirit of utilitarianism is concealed .

    理想的根系慢慢枯萎,最终为 功利主义的世俗精神所掩盖。

  • In philosophy he attacks consequentialism the view that what matters about an action is its consequences which is usually coupled with utilitarianism 's greatest happiness principle .

    在哲学中,他攻击结果主义,即对一个行为来说最重要的是看它的结果,这往往与 功利主义的“最大幸福”原则一致。

  • The new utilitarianism cannot dispose of such questions .

    这种新 功利主义无法消除这些问题。

  • This paper gives a brief analysis of the popularity of utilitarianism in the modern campus culture .

    本文围绕当前高校校园文化发展中普遍 存在 功利 倾向,对之做了简要分析。