uterus septus


  • Conclusion : Transvaginal three-dimensional ultrasonography is a convenient and accurate method for diagnosis of uterus septus .

    结论:经阴道三维超声诊断 中隔 子宫方法简便、易行、准确度高,是诊断 中隔 子宫 可靠方法。

  • Objective : To evaluate the values of transvaginal three-dimensional ultrasonography in diagnosis of uterus septus .

    目的:探讨经阴道三维超声在诊断 中隔 子宫中应用。

  • Methods : 26 cases diagnosed as uterus septus with transvaginal three-dimensional ultrasonography were operated with hysteroscopy . The result of diagnosis were compared with that of hysteroscopy .

    方法:对 先行经阴道二维超声检查, 后行三维超声检查,诊断为 中隔 子宫的26例患者进行宫腔镜( 结合 腹腔镜)检查,对比其结果。

  • Results : There were 8 cases with completed uterus septus 11 cases with uncompleted uterus septus and 1 case with normal uterus .

    结果:完全 纵隔8例,不完全纵隔11例,正常 子宫1例。

  • Results There were 2 cases of simple uterus didelphys 1 case of uterus didelphys accompaniment longitudinal vaginal septum 1 case of uterus bicornis accompaniment cyst in left ovary 2 cases of complete uterus septus and 2 cases of complete uterus septus accompaniment longitudinal vaginal septum .

    结果单纯双子宫畸形2例,双子宫畸形伴阴道纵隔1例,双角 子宫伴左侧卵巢囊肿1例,完全 纵隔子宫2例,完全 纵隔子宫伴阴道纵隔2例。

  • Nursing care of a uterus septus patient before and after undergoing artificial abortion

    1 纵隔 子宫病人人工流产手术前后护理

  • Results Definitive diagnosis indicated 8 cases of uterus bicornis 10 cases of uterus septus with single uterine neck 2 cases of uterus septus with double uterine neck and single uterine body and 4 cases of puberal rudimentary horn of uterus .

    结果确诊双角子宫8例,单 宫颈 纵隔 子宫10例,双宫颈单宫体纵隔子宫2例,青春期残角子宫4例。