

  • He regards Utopian socialism as a sort of religious discourse with mediaeval traits .

    他认为 空想社会主义是一种宗教性话语,是属于中世纪的。

  • In the 19th century harmonious society had become a common value that utopian socialists seeked in their future model of society .

    19世纪 空想社会主义者的未来社会构建模式中,和谐社会成为了一个共同的价值追求。

  • Every kind of Utopian conception is the responses of ideologist to the political reality .

    每一种 乌托邦观念都是思想家对当时政治现实的回应。

  • Is it utopian to hope that such iconoclastic ideas will gain ground ?

    希望如此有悖传统观念的思想会发展普及,这是不是太 理想 了?

  • Bloch 's utopian philosophy has a strong charactor of religion .

    布洛赫的 乌托邦哲学具有很强的宗教色彩。

  • A utopian concept but nevertheless what we strive for .

    我们努力追求这乌托邦 理想概念。

  • How does this compare with the utopian doctrine that everything we do is for the sake of pleasure ?

    这和《 乌托邦 里的教条-「我们所做的一切只为了乐趣」相比如何?

  • Some will say it is dreamy escapist or utopian .

    有些人会说它是梦幻的,逃避现实的或 不切实际的。

  • The dim utopian future ; utopian idealists ; recognized the utopian nature of his hopes .

    令人怀疑的 乌托邦未来;乌托邦的理想主义者;认识到他希望的乌托邦本质。

  • But if you think it is Utopian then frankly so is the euro .

    但如果你认为这只是一个 空想,那么坦率地讲,欧元也是。

  • The dream of some researchers is to create a utopian world of good health .

    一些研究人员的梦想是建立一个健康的 乌托邦世界。

  • Early communes were founded under the utopian socialists .

    早期的公社是在 乌托邦社会主义者的影响下建立的。

  • Saraceno 's almost Utopian sculptures and installations challenge our experience of the environment and the social landscape .

    萨拉瑟诺几乎是 乌托邦 的雕塑和装置挑战我们对环境和社会景观体验。

  • By a rejection a priori of such hypotheses the utopian approach violates the principles of scientific method .


  • This Utopian dream is far beyond the range of possibility .

    这种 乌托邦 的梦想根本不可能实现。

  • It sounds like the exaggerated vision – utopian or distopian according to taste – of a parlour futurologist .

    听起来这像是会客室中一位未来学家夸张的想象&根据不同的偏好,可以将其视为一种 乌托邦观点,或 乌托邦观点。

  • He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity

    他怀揣着一个实现世界繁荣的 乌托邦之梦。

  • This kind of Utopian economics is simply wrong .

    这种 乌托邦 的经济学观点是完全错误的。

  • This has nothing to do with Utopian dreams of total control .

    这和全面控制的 乌托邦梦想毫无共同之处。

  • The earliest and most popular of the utopian socialists were the Saint-Simonians .

    最早的和最盛行的 乌托邦社会主义者是圣一西门主义者。

  • Utopian socialism is the elementary form of the socialist view .


  • College age still should is in the tower of ivory also be more Utopian to social understanding .

    大学时代应该还算是在象牙塔中,对社会的熟悉也是比较 理想 的。

  • It contains with sharp critical analysis a rather utopian vision of global regulation .

    它提到了一种极具 乌托邦 色彩的全球性监管, 中包含了尖锐的批判性分析。

  • Every revolution has its utopian vision a vision of the kind of society you want to achieve .

    每一场革命都有其 乌托邦 的理想,一个你希望实现的那种社会的理想。

  • His was a utopian vision of nature in its purest form .

    他对大自然怀有一种极为纯粹的 乌托邦 看法。

  • This is where within the memory banks of Earth and humanity is a utopian time without struggle .

    在地球和人类的记忆库内部,有一个不需要奋斗的 乌托邦 时代。

  • A complete absence of national border controls is as utopian today as the vision of world government .

    在今天,完全取消国家边界控制的观点与建立一个世界政府的想法一样 不切实际

  • This service is only available for The Utopian Future of Art Our Reality .

    目前该服务仅限于“艺术 乌托邦的未来,我们的现实”系列。

  • Fans even argue the early stories of these humble creatures represented a tolerant Utopian society .

    粉丝们甚至认为早期故事里的这些简单造型的卡通人物代表了宽容和 乌托邦社会。