
[ˈviɡən, ˈvɛdʒən][ˈvi:gən]


  • One vegan said while she found non-vegans attractive but would not want to be physically close to them .

    一位 素食 称,虽然她发现非素食者很有魅力,但不想与他们进行身体上的接触。

  • Some of our ingredients were inspired by vegan and allergy-free cooking since vegan and food allergy communities have already done a lot of experiments trying to mimic various types of foods that they are not able to eat says An .

    我们的有些配方是受 素食和防过敏烹饪的启发,因为素食主义者和食物过敏群体已经做了很多模仿他们不能吃的各种食物的实验。

  • I 'm now married and have two children and we are all vegan .

    现在的我已经结婚,而且有两个小孩,我们一 家人都是完全的 素食

  • I find vegan men quite sexy !

    我觉得 素食男性很性感的!

  • One most common questions I get about the vegan diet is about protein .

    作为 食者,我最常听到的问题是 食者的蛋白质的摄取量是否 足够

  • With the proliferation of vegan restaurants and cooking classes it is easier than ever to maintain health .

    有了 越来越多的 餐厅和 素食烹饪班,保持健康就比以往容易多了。

  • A vegan diet can be very healthy .


  • Here are some super bone-building foods to include in your vegan diet

    这里是一些可以加入到你的 素食中的非常好的健骨食品

  • Become a vegetarian or a vegan .

    我们可以成为素食 主义

  • Annuities are also expensive : after all insurers must fear that only vegan teetotallers will buy them .

    年金还很昂贵:毕竟,保险公司肯定担心只有 奉行 素食 主义的禁酒 主义 才会购买它们。

  • Of these 2.5 percent were vegan and 33.6 percent said they were vegetarian but also ate fish or chicken .

    其中2.5%为 严格 素食 主义 ,33.6%称自己是素食者,但是吃鱼和鸡。

  • The vegan diet contained vegetables nuts fruits buckwheat millet corn rice sunflower seeds and sesame milk .


  • There 's definitely a conflict in being a vegan that lives with a tiny carnivore .

    毫无疑问, 素食 主义 和小食肉动物之间是有冲突的,不过我们还是克服了。

  • It 's basically a vegan diet

    从根本上来讲,这是 严格 素食 主义饮食。

  • This recipe and cooking method is great for vegan and those on a diet .

    这种食物的烹饪方法很适合 素食 主义 和那些正在节食的人。

  • Isn 't vegan food just bland and gross ?


  • Also known as vegan . this meal contains no meat fish or dairy products .

    严格 食者”的菜肴不包括肉,鱼或奶制品。

  • Ashes : Fast Food Nation turned me from veggie to vegan .

    让我从一般素食转为 完全 素食

  • Will I continue my vegan diet and when will I stop ?

    我将继续我的 素食的饮食和我何时会停止?

  • But I 'm even more excited about the cache that Clinton brings to the vegan lifestyle .

    但令我更为惊喜的是克林顿带给 生活方式的发展空间。

  • Going vegan is easy healthier better for the environment and satisfying .


  • I love that they are vegan and that they are safe for baby .

    我喜欢它的 植物 配方,对宝宝很安全。

  • To me the necessity of supplements is acceptable given the benefits of eating vegan .

    因为 膳食对 身体很多的好处,我自己可以接受补充一些维生素 矿物质

  • I started following a diet that was nearly vegan .

    我开始节食后,几乎是近似“ 素食 主义 ”。

  • The menu changes weekly and usually includes a vegan option

    菜单每周都有变化,通常包含可 严格 素食 选择的 菜肴

  • The health benefits of a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle are vast .

    素食和 的生活方式对健康是极其有好处的。

  • I 'd been vegan for a long time .

    坚持 严格 吃素已很久了。

  • The worst catastrophe was a dinner I cooked for a strict vegetarian with vegan aspirations .

    最失败的一次是我为一位具有 素食 主义雄心的严格的素食主义者做的一顿晚餐。