useful length

[ˈjusfəl lɛŋkθ][ˈju:sful leŋθ]


  • Conclusion : Root ZX electronic apex locator is an useful and accurate device for the determination of canal length .

    结论:root zx根尖电测仪 较准确测定根管工作 长度,提高根管治疗的质量和工作效率。

  • Design of Digital Multi - useful Length Measuring Machine

    数字式多 仪的设计

  • One area where you 'll find a HEAD request useful is to check the content length or even the content type .

    您会发现HEAD请求 非常 有用的一个领域是用来查看内容的 长度或内容的类型。

  • Conclusions : Digital radiograph is a useful tool in measurement of work length and evaluation of root canal treatment also in collection of data and communication between patients and dentist .

    结论:数字化 牙片在老年人磨牙的保存治疗中与传统X线牙片相比 可以方便的测量工作 长度指导治疗并判断根管治疗术的疗效,也 便于资料的收集和医患之间的交流。

  • An index on / / * would even index non-leaf elements which is typically not useful and can easily exceed the length constraint of a Varchar ( n ) index .

    上的索引甚至会索引非末端元素,非末端元素通常是没有 的且很容易超出Varchar(n)索引的 长度限制。

  • According to a SIRT method by discussing tomographic results of different cross-well observation system this article presents some useful criteria of selecting a cross-well observation system in order to obtain some approximate relations among shot interval trace interval and maximum array length .

    本文将根据直射线的 SIRT方法,通过不同井间观测系统对成像质量的影响,提出了选择井间观测系统应遵循的某些原则,进而获得炮间距、道间距和最大排列 长度间的估算关系。

  • Research and application results show that the use of the pulse encoder in automatic NDT not only improves the accuracy of the defect location efficiently but is also useful to the measurement and calculation of the length of the test sample .

    研究与应用结果表明,它不但提高了缺陷定位的准确度,还有 于试件 长度的测量与计算。

  • Compared with the ordinary traffic control system the hierarchical FNN control system is proved to be useful and effective with simulation results and is improved in the average delay of vehicles as well as the queue length .

    仿真结果表明,与传统的定时控制方法和只考虑关键车流的情形相比,所提出的两级神经网络控制方法在车辆平均延误时间和排队 长度方面都有 较大改进。

  • It may be useful to ascertain in the annotator code that a specific length may not be exceeded in the created annotations .

    在注释器代码中确保创建注释时不超过特定 长度 非常 有用的。

  • Even though RUP is more flexible in the definition of an iteration the30-day window is often used in RUP and determined to be a useful size in length .

    尽管在对“迭代”的定义上RUP更为灵活,30天的限定仍然经常被RUP使用,并且已被认为是一个 有效 长度

  • Finally coefficients are figured out with least square method and a pithy and useful analytical expression for the optimum fiber length is presented as well .

    最后用最小二乘法进行数据拟合确定系数,得到简洁、 实用的最佳光纤 长度解析表达式。

  • By using this specialized crossover operator useful schemata can be found and have a high probability of surviving recombination regardless of their defining length or order .

    利用这种交叉算子可以发现 有效模式,同时保证这些有效模式即使在其定义 长度 较长、阶数较高时也不易在基因重组过程中被破坏。

  • Another useful feature is that errors such as exceeding the length of the sequence are generally handled in a graceful manner .

    另一个 有用的功能是以一种很合适的方式处理错误(如超过序列的 长度)。