useful load

[ˈjusfəl lod][ˈju:sful ləud]


  • It is useful to the air-conditioning load control measures .

    对于提出空调 负荷调控措施具有 实际 参考 价值

  • In order to study the relation between structural parameters and work efficiency or useful time a nonlinear dynamics model of a load was presented for air drilling motor .

    为研究空气螺杆钻具结构参数与其工作效率及 使用 寿命的关系,建立了空气螺杆钻具一个 的非线性动力学模型。

  • The admins and developers can get a overview of what environment a node runs in as well as useful snapshots of its state allowing for an understanding of how the load is handled .

    对于系统的 负载问题,管理员和 开发者可以看到节点运行环境的概况及其当前状态。

  • In load cell applications this stop-band rejection is useful to reject low frequency mechanical vibrations of the load cell .

    在称重传感器应用中,此阻带抑制性能 有效抑制 称重传感器的低频机械振动。

  • I decided to make myself useful and do a load of the family laundry .

    我决心做个 有用的人, 承担起家里洗衣服的重任。

  • The transfer procedure is useful in adaptive finite element analysis for the simulation of excavation process the elastoplastic iteration of increment load and other calculation problems of loading step by step .

    所述传递过程, 为自适应有限元模拟多步骤开挖及弹塑性增量 荷载分析等各种分步加载计算问题的解决 提供 有利条件。

  • Therefore the γ - dose level at useful load in the recovery capsule will meet the requirements of flight safety .

    因此,回收舱内 有效 载荷处的γ剂量率水平将满足安全飞行的要求。

  • This proposal is useful in the analysis of load carrying capacity of circular plates composed of rock or concrete .

    该准则 应用于岩石,混凝土等材料构成的圆板的 极限 承载能力分析。

  • YSlow is a small useful extension that can help you a lot in your efforts to make your pages load more quickly .

    YSlow是一个较小的、 有用的扩展,可以在提高页面 加载速度方面为您提供许多帮助。

  • A useful test to ascertain operational efficiency is simply to load up the system as much as possible to see if the air is actually cooling at the vents sufficiently .

    一个旨在确保运行效率的 有效检测很简单,就是让系统 承载尽可能大的 负荷,来测试空气是否在排气口出来时被足够冷却。

  • Multi sub-models are useful for the short-term load forecasting with historical data of loads .

    对于只 依据历史记录的短期 负荷预报, 可以采用多个子模型来进行预报。

  • Case study shows that this method is more accurate and faster than single grey prediction and single neural network method . It is a useful method for long term load forecasting .

    最后采用我国某省年用电量的预测的算例表明该方法的预测精度优于单一的灰色预测和单一的神经网络预测方法,为电力系统长期 负荷预测提供了一种 有用的方法。

  • The useful information and knowledge hidden in warehouse data can be explored using data mining methods for equipment maintenance load forecast network bidding and scientific decision-making .

    数据挖掘方法可找出数据仓库数据中隐藏的 有用信息和知识,可用于发电厂设备检修, 负荷预测和上网报价等,辅助管理人员作出科学的决策。

  • According to calculation of examples diffusion process and distribution of on ground concentration of chlorine release are simulated and analyzed . Much useful quantification information such as release velocity mass concentration and poison load are also offered .

    通过算例计算,本文模拟分析了液氯泄漏的扩散过程及地面浓度分布,提供了泄漏速率、总泄漏量、质量浓度和毒 负荷等许多 有用的定量化信息。

  • Nylon is predominantly used past the useful pressure range of TFE because of its ability to resist permanent deformation ( or creep ) and recovery after load .

    在TFE 有效压力范围内,尼龙以前被广泛的使用,因为尼龙具有抗永久性变形(或蠕变)的能力,并且在 负载后能够自行恢复。

  • Also the contrast tests in groups for the six different load spectra have been carried out with satisfactory results . All facts have confirmed that our theoretical analysis is useful for working out the load spectrum of the fighter with the count method and the principle of simplification .

    并且用六种不同的载荷谱做了成组对比试验,得到了令人满意的结果,验证了我们的理论分析,为 今后歼击机载 谱的编制在计数法和简化原则方面 提供依据

  • We shall find this definition useful for the determination of the critical load .

    采用这个定义,对确定临界 荷载 用处的。

  • The results indicate that the classical heat transfer mechanism is suitable for the medium wall load and the potential heat of the low-melting-point alloy is useful for high wall load .

    结果表明,对于中等壁负荷,传统的传热机制是适宜的,而对于高强壁 负荷,把低熔点合金的相变贮、放热机制引进到混合 的热工学中是 意义的。

  • This configuration may be useful for a load balancing configuration .

    对于 负载平衡配置来说,此配置可能 有用

  • The algorithm proposed was applied to a two-objective optimization of a hypothetical airliner conceptual design where both the ratio of lift to drag in cruise segment and the useful load fraction were required to be maximized .

    将该算法应用于假想的干线客机方案优化设计,要求巡航段升阻比和 有用 载荷系数两个目标最大,对优化结果进行了分析比较。

  • The calculation of real examples shows that the time series of these indexes is useful for the analysis of main engine real load .

    通过实例计算表明,这几项指标的时间序列对分析主机及船机桨系统的实际 负荷 十分 有效的。

  • Third subjects can chose the process styles based on the whether the irrelevant stimuli is useful or not no matter the perceptual load of the relevant stimuli are high or low .

    再次,无论与任务相关的刺激的知觉 负荷水平是高还是低,被试都会根据无关刺激是否 利于作出正确决策灵活地选择信息加工策略。

  • Although you can run the camera application on the N800 without shell access I found it immensely useful to load a terminal program on the N800 .

    尽管不需要shell访问也能在N800上运行摄像机应用程序,但是在N800上 加载一个终端程序将非常 有用

  • It can serve as a useful reference for the further analysis of more complicated eletrodes under load conditions .

    为求解复杂电极形状和 负载情况下的分析计算,积累了计算经验,对进一步探索和研究具有一定的参考 价值

  • Load also has useful extra features but the main reason for using load instead of inserts would be improved performance .

    load也有 一些 有用的额外功能,但是我们使用 load而不使用insert的主要原因是可以提高性能。

  • For database designs that require shredding some or all of the contents of XML data invocation of this stored procedure can be particularly useful after a bulk load of XML or BLOB data .

    对于需要分解XML数据的部分或全部内容的数据库设计,可以在批量 装载XML或 BLOB数据之后调用这个存储过程。

  • This preview tab is useful to make sure that you are getting the data that you expect before you load it into the report .

    该浏览项可以 用于确定在您将数据 载入到报表之前,得到的数据就是您想要的。

  • By contrasting and discussing the analysis results above this paper put forwards proposals that are useful for foundation deformation analysis and improving the test precision of load test .

    将以上分析结果进行对比讨论,提出了 有益 地基变形分析与提高 载荷试验测试技术精度的合理建议。

  • In order to improve the driving performance of a thermoacoustic engine and provide useful reference for design of effective load an investigation on the power output characteristics of a traveling wave thermoacoustic engine was carried out .

    为提高热声发动机的驱动能力并为有效 负载的设计 提供 参考,对一台行波热声发动机的声功输出特性进行了研究。