usability evaluation

[计] 可用性评价

  • This illuminates that GIF can be used as a means of objective uniform and quantitative measurement for web usability evaluation .

    这说明可以应用CIF标准对网站的 可用 质量进行统一、客观、定量的衡量。

  • Usability Evaluation and Link Structure Optimization Model of E-Supermarket Website

    电子超市易 评估及链接结构优化模型

  • Finally the conclusion is obtained based on the empirical study called university library website usability evaluation system scale .

    最后,基于上述理论研究与实证研究,得出了本文的结论高校图书馆网站 可用 评价体系量表。

  • By way of the ability to analyze system performance from Petri Net this paper calculates the execution time of the composite service and then obtains the usability evaluation result by the comparison between the execution time and the constraints .

    借助于Petri网系统性能分析的能力,本文对环境影响下的组合服务执行时间进行了计算,并依据该计算结果与全局质量约束的偏离程度来产生 可用 评价的最终结果。

  • Research and implementation of usability evaluation system for web business system

    Web业务系统 可用 评估系统的研究与实现

  • Usability evaluation of new pen-based user interface paradigm

    一种新的笔式交互范式的 可用 评估

  • This paper USES information analysis method of analytic hierarchy process the network information resources of usability evaluation of comparison between two indexes namely the network information resource availability index quantification process .

    本文运用信息分析方法中的层次分析法,把网络信息资源 可用 评价的指标进行两两比较,即把网络信息资源可用性指标的量化过程。

  • Analysis and compare the usability of methods by the numbers and found that the most viable way is to build web site usability evaluation system also evaluate the SNS website usability .

    通过系统的比较分析可以认为行之有效的方法是:建立SNS网站 可用 评估 指标体系,对SNS网站进行可用性评估。

  • Usability evaluation method research in digital library

    数字图书馆 可用 评价方法研究

  • Usability Evaluation Indicators and Empirical Study of Database Retrieval System

    数据库检索系统 可用 评价指标与实证研究

  • The Integrality and Usability Evaluation for the Defective Oil and Gas Pipeline

    含缺陷油气管道的完整性与 适用 评价

  • Usability Evaluation of Storytelling System for Children Using Interface Scenarios

    基于界面场景的儿童讲故事系统 可用 评估

  • Usability Evaluation for IT Products

    IT产品的 可用 测试 评估

  • Performance-Driven Motion Retrieval and its Usability Evaluation

    示范表演驱动的运动数据检索方法及 可用 评估

  • In this thesis the author summarizes the methods of usability evaluation and user behavior research firstly and then introduces VARA 's design development and application .

    本文首先简单地介绍 可用 评估和用户研究主要方法,分析了多种用户行为数据搜集和分析的方法。在此基础上,重点介绍了VARA工具的系统需求、设计实现以及VARA的试验性应用与分析。

  • A Study of an ATM Simulator Based Tool for Usability Evaluation

    基于模拟器的ATM 可用 评估辅助工具研究

  • Usability Evaluation of B2C E-Commerce Web Site

    B2C电子商务网站 可用 评价

  • The research shows that : ① User performance testing is an effective usability evaluation method : not only to identify the usability level of different products but also to find the products ' usability problems ;

    研究表明:①用户绩效测试是一种有效的 可用 评估方法,这种方法即可以鉴定不同产品的可用性程度,又可以发现产品可用性的问题;

  • A Usability Evaluation Technique Based on Fuzzy Rules for Radar HCI

    基于模糊规则的雷达人机 界面 评估技术

  • An Approach to Usability Evaluation for Mobile Computing User Interface Based on Eye-tracking

    移动计算用户界面 可用 评估的眼动方法

  • Usability Evaluation and Development for Mobile Phone Products Based on Simulator

    基于模拟器的手机产品 可用 评估与开发

  • The paper aims to study and establishment of a PC sync software usability evaluation and testing system and its methodology .

    本论文主要的工作为:研究并建立了PC同步软件 测评 指标体系及其测评方法。

  • This paper designs a fault injection tool base on Small Computer System Interface ( SCSI ) to aim at the usability evaluation of Massive Storage .

    研究海量存储系统的 可用 评测,设计一种基于小型计算机系统接口(SCSI)协议的故障注入工具。

  • From the perspective of website users the paper establishes a domestic automobile vertical websites usability evaluation index system based on the user investigation and then the index system is modified and given weight according to expert investigation .

    本文力图从网站用户出发,在汽车垂直网站用户调查研究的基础上,初步建立国内汽车垂直网站 可用 评价指标体系,再结合专家调查对该指标体系进行修正及赋予权重。

  • This paper introduces the meaning and evaluation content of digital library usability analyses most digital library usability evaluation method from three aspects including usability inspection 、 usability testing and usability inquiry .

    本文介绍了数字图书馆可用性的含义和数字图书馆可用性评价的内容,从可用性检查、可用性测试、可用性调查三个方面分析了数字图书馆 可用 评价的主要方法。

  • Realization of Usability Evaluation Platform Based on Determine Tree Algorithm

    基于决策树算法的 可用 评估平台的实现

  • A Web-log-based approach to the analysis of user operation sequences for the Web usability evaluation

    一个基于Web日志的用户操作序列及网站 可用 分析方法

  • After analyzing current usability evaluation methods and their application preconditions the thesis presents a cross evaluation method integrating usability test and questionnaire .

    分析了现有的 可用 评估方法及其在产品开发阶段不同的应用条件,提出了基于可用性测试与问卷调查相结合的交叉式评估方法。