


  • You will become the first user for the tenant and the default account administrator .

    您将变成该租户的第一个 用户和默认的帐户管理员。

  • The company is the biggest user of oil .

    该公司是最大的石油 用户

  • User roles and access control are inherent in Domino 's database structure .


  • The user enters one or more query terms on a Web form and clicks Submit .


  • If a computer user fails to log off the system is accessible to all .

    如果计算机 用户没有成功退出,那么谁都可以进入该系统。

  • This facilitates the implementation of modules to control user and group authentication information .

    这有助于实现用于控制 用户和组身份验证信息的模块。

  • The umbrella keeps the rains off the user .

    雨伞使 撑伞人免受雨淋。

  • I 'm a great user of public transport .

    我经常 使用公共交通工具。

  • Industry is a heavy user of electric power .

    工业是用 电量大的 部门

  • Authentication occurs with a user name and password .

    利用 用户名和口令进行身份验证。

  • This provides a responsive user interface by retrieving content only upon demand .

    这提供了一个快速响应的 用户界面,它支持仅根据需要来检索内容。

  • John can also login to the deployment manager as a monitor with his user name and password .

    John也可以使用其 用户名和密码以监视员身份登录到部署管理器。

  • The default user name and password are resAdmin .

    默认的 用户名和密码是resAdmin。

  • User and subscription management .


  • For XM I chose to abstract the user interface and the resource manager .

    对于XM,我选择了抽象 用户界面和资源管理。

  • Even the most security-conscious computer user is under constant threat from computer viruses .

    即使是有强烈安全意识的计算机 用户也时刻处于计算机病毒入侵的威胁下。

  • With these options the user can control the access of files and directories to copy to or from .

    通过使用这些设置, 用户可以控制对要复制的文件、源目录和目标目录的访问。

  • The user commands mkvg chvg and lsvg have been enhanced in support of the scalable VG type .


  • A popular trusted user matters more and as shown above can expose others who are suspected of being fakers .

    受欢迎的,具有公信力的 用户更为重要,如上所示,可以揭露其他被怀疑是假冒者的用户。

  • Use system for the user name and manager for the password when prompted .

    出现提示时,请输入 用户名system和密码manager。

  • Beach users have complained about people walking their dogs on the sand .

    海滩上的 游客投诉有人在沙滩上遛狗。

  • Select the XA JDBC Driver provider and input the appropriate user name and password .

    选择XAJDBCDriverprovider并输入恰当的 用户名和密码。

  • This user interface can be an API or a web service interface or both .

    这个 用户接口可以是一个API或者一个web服务接口,或者两者兼而有之。

  • The new version of the program comes with a much better user interface than the original .

    新版程序的 用户界面比原来程序的好得多。

  • Does the PC Defense software support Chinese user interface ?

    软件支持中文 用户介面吗?