uranium hexafluoride


  • Study on the Reaction Kinetics of Uranium Hexafluoride with Gaseous Hydrogen Halides


  • It has converted yellowcake into uranium hexafluoride gas .

    它已经把黄饼转化为 六氟化铀气体。

  • Determination of uranium in uranium hexafluoride by gravimetric method

    GB/T10270-1988 六氟化铀中铀的重量法测定

  • Spectrochemical determination of tungsten molybdenum niobium titanium and zirconium in uranium hexafluoride

    GB/T14501.3-1993 六氟化铀中钨、钼、铌、钛、锆的测定化学光谱法

  • Uranium hexafluoride ( UF6 ) is a volatile compound of uranium used in the uranium enrichment process that produces fuel for nuclear reactors .


  • The agency says that as of this month Tehran had amassed 630kg of low enriched uranium hexafluoride up from 480KG in late August .

    国际原子能机构称,截至11月,伊朗积累了 630公斤的低浓缩 ,而8月底为480公斤。

  • In order to determine the content of hydrocarbons and halohydrocarbons in uranium hexafluoride the first step is to passivate the inlet system and ion source of mass-spectrometer .

    了测定 六氟化铀中烃和卤代烃的含量,首先要对进样系统和质谱计的离子源进行充分的钝化。

  • Determination and estimation of boron equivalent of thermal neutron absorption of impurity elements in uranium hexafluoride


  • Infrared absorption spectrum of uranium hexafluoride at lower temperature

    六氟化铀低温红外光谱 材料的 识别

  • There it is transformed into uranium hexafluoride which in turn is sent to gas diffusion plant to be enriched .

    在那里它被转化为 氟化物,再被送进气体扩散工厂作富集处理。