


  • Conclusion : The valerian has the good calm hypnosis function .

    结论: 缬草具有良好的镇静催眠作用。

  • Pure natural plant extract valerian grass-roots non-toxic side effects .

    纯天然植物 草根中提取,无毒副作用。

  • Objective : To evaluate effect of valerian oil on oxidative stress in type ⅱ diabetic rats .

    目的:观察 缬草油对2型糖尿病大鼠 肾脏内氧化应激 OS 的影响。

  • Effect of valerian extract treatment on experimental pulmonary fibrosis in rats

    缬草提取物对博莱霉素 所致大鼠肺纤维化的作用

  • The results of one study conducted in1993 showed that valerian and hops are calming to the central nervous system and reduce depression and anxiety .

    结果在1993年进行的一项研究表明, 是平静的啤酒花、中枢神经系统,减少抑郁和焦虑。

  • Valerocalm is a herbal product in soft gelatin capsules containing Valerian root extract Hop strobiles extract and Passiflora extract .

    缬草是一种含有 缬草提取物、啤酒花孢子叶球提取物和西番莲提取物的明胶胶囊草药产品。

  • With Mercury opposing the influence of Jupiter the natural ruler of the lungs it is interesting that valerian is occasionally used for relieving bronchial spasm in the lungs .

    因为水星相对木星相反的俢,这个肺部的主宰,有趣的是 有时被用来释放肺部支气管的痉挛。

  • Test group were givan valerian extract 100 mg / kg by abdomenal cavity Injection twice 1 h before operated and 10 min before ligated .

    实验组手术前1h,结扎前10min给予 缬草提取物100mg/kg(体重)腹腔注射。

  • There is no evidence backing the effectiveness of the popular dietary supplements melatonin and valerian to fight insomnia .

    目前也还没有证据表明广受欢迎的膳食补充剂褪黑素和 草根可以有效治疗失眠症。

  • Extract technique of valerian m-phenoxy benzaldehyde from Valeriana jatamansi Jones . studied with orthogonal design

    正交设计研究蜘蛛香中 缬草醚醛的提取工艺

  • Cooperman 's advice : if you use valerian choosing a product that passed consumerlab . com 's testing should improve your odds of it being effective and free of contaminants .


  • Conclusion : Valerian extract can protect myocardium from ischemia reperfusion injury .

    结论: 缬草提取物有抗心肌缺血再灌注损伤的作用。

  • Purpose : To study relationship between effect of valerian extract on metabolism of lipid and treatment for gallbladder gallstone .

    目的:研究 缬草提取物对胆囊结石的治疗作用与对 血浆 脂蛋白、血清及胆汁类脂水平影响的关系。

  • Effect of Valerian Extract on Ionic Channels of Rabbit Ventricular Myocytes


  • If you 're trying valerian the suggested dose for the concentrated form is equal to two to three grams of the root a day .

    如果试试 ,一天的用量, 大约用2-3克 地麻根 提取物

  • A relatively modern application for valerian is for treating high blood pressure and palpitations .


  • Valerian Study of Monoterpene oxide pretreatment on donor heart preservation

    缬草单萜氧化物预处理对供心保存的 实验研究

  • Effect of Valerian Oil on Podocyte Injury in Hypercholesterolemic Rats


  • Experimental Study on Effects of Complex Valerian Angelica Dripping Pill on Uterine Smooth Muscle

    复方 归滴丸对子宫平滑肌作用的实验研究

  • There were no differences between valerian oil treated group and irbesartan treated group in lowering UAE 、 BUN 、 Scr and improving the renal pathologic changes .

    治疗后 缬草油组与厄贝沙坦组相比,Scr、BUN、UAE的下降及肾脏病理改变的改善无明显差异。

  • But don 't combine valerian with alcohol or mood-regulating drugs .

    但是不要和酒精以及精力类药品 混杂应用。

  • Analysis and Determination of Chemical Components in Valerian Oil by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry


  • Nighttime teas and the herb valerian also have been shown to aid sleep .

    夜茶和 植物 镇静剂也有助睡眠。

  • The stability test showed that the preparation of inclusion complex could improve the stability of Valerian oil efficiently and cover its unpleasant smell to some extent .

    稳定性试验数据表明,包合物的制备有效提高了 缬草油的稳定性,并在一定程度上掩盖了 缬草油的不愉快气味。