
[venˈɡlɔriəs, -ˈɡlor-][ˌveɪnˈglɔ:riəs]


  • They collapse standards and offer a vainglorious travesty of a cultural experience to a paying public .

    它们破坏了标准,并给付费公众 带来了对文化体验的 虚荣模仿。

  • You 'd surely go for his first-rate brain though you might pass on what his detractors consider the vainglorious temperament that comes bundled with it .

    你必定对那 聪明脑袋佩服 ,尽管你也可能会像那些他的批评者那样认为与这种 聪明相伴的不过是他本人的一些 虚荣想法罢了。

  • A vainglorious estimate of his ability .

    他对自己的能力 过高的估计。

  • She is a vainglorious woman .

    她是个 虚荣的女性。

  • He was silent for a minute casting about for the least vainglorious way in which to express himself .

    他沉默了一会儿,想 找到个最不 虚荣的方式表达自己的 意思

  • Few vainglorious governors will now want to cut off credit to a half-finished project .

    没有几个 虚荣心 的省长现在愿意对建设到一半的项目切断信贷。

  • Make no vainglorious boasts I beg you .

    我恳求 些不 的吹捧了。

  • On the other hand Benjamin Netanyahu may well prove vainglorious and reckless enough to overrule them .

    另一方面,本杰明内塔尼亚胡(benjaminnetanyahu)可能会非常 自负而轻率地忽视他们的态度。