
[ˈvæləns, ˈveləns][ˈvæləns]


  • During the process of annealing the F color centers were thoroughly eliminated and the escaped free electrons could be captured by V ions with higher valance states than + 3 to further improve the concentration of tetrahedral V 3 + ions .

    同时,F心在退火过程中被完全消除,释放出来的自由电子被 高价态的V离子俘获,可以进一步提高晶体中四面体 格位 V3+离子的浓度。

  • A new cascade method for studying isotope effect in chemical exchange system without valance change

    研究不 变价化学交换体系同位素效应的一种新级联实验方法

  • Something have been drop on the floor and rolled beneath the valance of the bed its movement would be recorded in ink upon its surface .

    有一样东西掉到地板上又滚到 床沿 的下面 的表面就会用墨水记录下地板运动的情况。

  • Valance Appearance and Disappearance of Argument and Basic Model of Object


  • The novel valance connectivity index () ~ mJ was defines for studying on QSAR / QSPR of organic pollutions .

    定义了新的 连接性指数mJ,并用于 脂肪 脂肪 等有机污染物的QSARQSPR研究。

  • A Novel Molecular Valance Connectivity Index and Its Application

    新的分子 连接性指数及其应用

  • N ~ is the numbers of effcetive valance electron of radical atom in the charged group ;

    ni为基原子的 轨道i中的电子占据数;

  • Something such as a decorative valance or flounce that resembles a woman 's underskirt . the line formed by the lower edge of a skirt or coat .

    裙状物象女式衬裙的物品,如装饰性的 布边或荷叶边裙子、外衣或者大衣的底边沿。

  • The valance band and conduction band can be described very well by our calculated results as well .

    同时,计算的结果也能对 价带和导带进行很好的描述。

  • The influence of the kinds site occupancy and valance state of cations and doping ions on the growth and properties of crystals are discussed too .

    同时探讨了晶体结构中阳离子的种类及占位;掺杂离子的种类、占位及 态对晶体生长及性能的影响。

  • A study of optical oscillator strengths for valance shell of molecular oxygen

    氧分子的 壳层光学振子强度研究

  • The composition of the bulk phase of CuO-La_2O_3 / γ - Al_2O_3 catalyst is measured with XRD the valance of surface copper ions and the characteristics of CO and NO adsorption are studied with infared spectroscopy .

    应用XRD分析了催化剂的体相结构,用红外光谱研究了CO和NO在 CuO-La2O3/γ-Al2O3催化剂上的吸附,并对表面铜的 进行了表征。

  • Five WOM influencing characteristics are found to attract the attentions of the consumers ; they are concreteness vividness strong in valance informativeness and trustworthiness .

    本研究发现了与影响力有关的五个鼠 特征,它们是具体性、生动性、 效价性、信息性和可靠性。

  • Heterogeneous photocatalysis is that irradiation of TiO2 particles under UV irradiation that carries energy greater than the band gap ( 3.2 eV ) induces conduction band electrons and valance band holes which can further generate various oxidizing species and degrade pollutants to a great extent .

    多相光催化是TiO2粒子在高于其带隙能级(3.2eV)紫外光照射下产生 价带电子与导带空穴,接着生成多种氧化物种使污染物得到 较为 完全的降解。

  • Low Valance Vanadium Oxides and LAS Ceramic-glass Composites : The Preparation and Electrical Properties

    低价 的氧化物与LAS微晶玻璃复合材料的制备与导电性能研究

  • The chemical shift of the valance band to the lower state induced by high hydrogen content and the structural disorder related to low substrate temperature makes the films have wide band gaps and large band tail widths .

    氢化 薄膜具有较高的氢含量,因 氢引起的 价带化学位移和低衬底温度决定的结构无序性,使薄膜呈现较大的 光学带隙和带尾宽度。

  • Sn4 + and Mn2 + ( by means of valance transition ) both served as oxidizers which suppressed Ti4 + reduction and increased the Q factor .

    Sn4+和 变价的Mn2+充当氧化剂,抑制Ti4+的还原,提高了系统的Q值。

  • An electron momentum spectroscopy investigation on valance orbitals of molecule N_2

    N2 轨道的精细电子动量谱学研究