


  • No more can I turn the leaves of this dear book that loved and vainly hope in time to read it all .

    我再也不可能翻开这本我所钟爱的宝贵的书,而 妄想有时间把它读完了。

  • Love is society 's dangerous pressure which ruins those who vainly try to comply with it .

    爱情是社会的危险压力,它可以毁掉 徒劳 服从于爱情的人。

  • Aunt Julia vainly asked each of her neighbours in turn to tell her what Gabriel had said .

    朱莉亚姨妈 接连旁边的人打听加布里埃尔刚才说了些什么, 没有问出个 所以 来。

  • We have vainly imagined in the deceitfulness of our hearts that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom of our own .

    我们有 妄想想象,在我们心中的欺骗性,所有这些都产生了一些祝福自己的优势智慧。

  • Of course his hands still hold mine and his eyes are fixed upon me . I study his face looking vainly for signs that he will grant what I am waiting for .

    自然,他依旧还握着我的手,把眼光 钉在我脸上,然而我 了,在他的各种表示中,我 我所等待于他的赐与。

  • In order to vainly hope for the world .

    为了 梦想中的世界。

  • He too ten years ago had piously sought out a tomb and sought it vainly .

    十年以前,他也曾虔敬地去找一座坟墓, 他枉费了一 心思

  • Then let the sad eyes of love vainly watch and weep .

    那就让爱的愁眼, 徒然 因着 盼望而流泪。

  • I tried vainly to put the broken pieces together .

    徒然 试图把这些碎片拼在一起。

  • He vainly hope to travel round the world on foot .


  • A man I recognized ran furiously but vainly the length of the platform .

    我认识的一个男人匆匆跑来, 一直 追到月台尽头,可是 了一

  • He looked for her in vain ; the city fathers tried vainly to find a solution .

    他没有找到她;城市的 创建者 没有找到一个解决方案。

  • He stood still trying vainly to answer my question .

    愣愣的站着,回答 我的问题。

  • But when he found the right shelf he sought vainly for the answer .

    可是等他找对了书架,答案却 仍然 渺茫

  • The team captain vainly tried to rally his troops .

    队长试图振作部队的 士气 没有 成功

  • In order to vainly hope for2008 !

    为了 梦想中的2008!

  • In my dreams I found a little of the beauty I had vainly sought in life and wandered through old gardens and enchanted woods .

    在梦境里,我找到了曾在生命中 徒劳 寻觅的些 美丽, 亦可流连于古老的花园和迷人的树林之中。

  • I hoped vainly for a suggestion from him .

    我原希望他有所建议, 未能 如愿以偿

  • In your despair you wander about vainly seeking contentment in empty pleasure .

    绝望中,你 浪迹天涯,在虚无的快乐中寻找幸福。

  • The criminals vainly sought concealment from the searchlight .

    罪犯们 徒劳 躲闪着探照灯光。

  • We struggle vainly fighting to solve the problem .

    我们 徒劳 斗争着,为解决问题而拼搏。

  • Is that star delivers you vainly hoped for the wing already grows in yours shoulder ?

    是那颗星把你送 过来的吧, 还是 梦想的羽翼早就生长在你的肩膀?

  • They vainly tried to find out the stranger 's name .

    他们想查出那陌生人的姓名, 徒劳无功

  • My heart longs to join in thy song but vainly struggles for a voice .

    我的心渴望和你合唱,而 挣扎 出一点声音。

  • Let us vainly hope for successfully forms in one 's mind successfully plans .

    让我们 梦想成功,构思成功,策划。

  • The peasant is extremely happy his little physical strength has not spent will have picked up one both fertilizer and big hare vainly .

    农民高兴极了,他一点力气没花,就 捡了一只又肥又大的 野兔