use factor

[juz ˈfæktɚ][ju:z ˈfæktə]


  • On the basis of this establish the index system of modern service industry evaluation use factor analysis evaluation the competitiveness of the Changing modern service industry .

    然后,在此基础上,分析了重庆现代服务业的现状,通过建立现代服务业评价指标体系, 运用 因子分析法,评价了重庆现代服务业的省域竞争力。

  • Then use Factor Endowments Theory and Theory of Demand Preference Similarity to do feasibility analysis .

    进而 运用 要素禀赋理论、需求偏好相似理论对我国外贸企业开拓新兴市场进行理论层面的可行性分析。

  • The ceramic simple bricks were made from a kind of richly including the Ca-red mud with some additives by using the semi-dry pressing technology had achieved raises the red mud use factor the goal .

    以氧化铝工业的一种富含钙质的废弃物&赤泥为主要原料,通过添加一些添加剂,采用压制成型技术制备了富赤泥陶瓷清水砖,达到了提高赤泥 利用 的目的。

  • Then use factor analysis to do the early-warning comprehensive indicators analysis .

    紧接着, 利用 因子分析法进行综合指标预警分析。

  • In this section we use factor model to estimate funds performance and prove sustainability of bond funds performance with regression method Pearson correlation method Spearman correlation method and chi square test .

    本文 运用 因子模型进行了债券型基金的绩效评估,并通过回归法、Pearson相关系数、Spearman相关系数以及Yates修正下的卡方检验法来证明基金绩效存在可持续性。

  • Through questionnaire surveys and expert opinions the importance of each index in this evaluation has a point . And then use factor analysis to re-adjust the framework of international convention industry competitiveness evaluation index system and finally determined the composition of the target system .

    通过问卷调查和专家意见,对评价指标体系的各个构成指标的重要性进行了打分,再 运用 因子分析法重新调整了国际会议产业竞争力评价指标体系框架并最终确定了指标体系的构成。

  • Evaluation and optimization are in various aspects thorough careful grasping foundation on the knowledge of the existing transmission network the business volume the resources use factor the protection way and so on discovering the network exists problem to improve on time .

    评估与优化是在对现有网络更系统全面的了解,对网络结构、资源 利用 、保护方式等方面深入掌握的基础上,及时发现并改进网络中存在的问题。

  • And it is of advantage to improve energy structure and raise the energy use factor .

    对于改善能源结构,提高能源 利用 有着积极的作用。

  • Then use factor analysis to find the root causes of financial risks and important factors generated and the system of early warning indicators of financial indicators in the computation of the synthetic index of financial risks financial risks on the state of monitoring .

    然后 利用 因子分析法,寻找金融风险的产生根源及其重要影响因素,并对预警指标体系中的各项金融指标进行运算,合成金融危机风险指数,对我国的金融风险状态进行监测。

  • Also introduced a method of a EPON DVB network hosting business to achieve the best EPON downward bandwidth use factor .

    还提出了一种EPON网络中承载DVB业务的方法,达到最佳的EPON下行带宽 利用

  • This paper uses a multivariate statistical analysis method first used cluster analysis on all the race teams of stratified analysis and then use factor analysis on the location of the team members in all the important quality of screening should have obtained good quality players .

    本文运用了多元统计的分析方法,首先用聚类分析对参加比赛的所有队伍进行分层分析,然后 运用 因子分析法对球队各个位置的队员重要素质进行筛选,得出优秀队员应该具有的素质。

  • Then after creating a set of indicators for evaluating human capital we use factor analysis method to evaluate human capital of each province in China .

    在浅议了人力资本评价指标设计应注意的问题之后, 采用 因子分析法对2000年我国各省市的人力资本状况进行多指标综合评价。

  • Plants the fine forage grass to enhance the circle nest use factor experimental study

    种植优良牧草提高圈窝子 利用 试验

  • The middleware technology is popularized in the financial transaction system day by day . But how can enhances the financial transaction server with the high load ability and the resources use factor becomes an important question which the financial system faces .

    中间件技术目前在金融交易系统中的应用日益普及,但是如何提高金融交易服务器的负荷能力和系统资源的 利用 ,成为金融系统面临的一个重要问题。

  • To the construction in not commonly used mechanical the special machinery and the construction peak desperately short of mechanical device must rent the use can raise the mechanical use factor effectively reduces the item cost .

    对施工中不常用机械、特殊机械和施工高峰期急缺机械设备可以租赁使用,这样能有效提高机械 利用 ,降低项目成本。

  • The Civil society organization has undertaken the partial social function which in the community separates by the government is unable to control also cannot manage well raised the community resources use factor .

    民间组织在社区中承担了由政府分离出来的管不了、也管不好的部分社会职能,提高了社区资源的 利用

  • The expectation through uses the advanced thing to flow the technology the thing flows the facility the greatest degree reduces to the environment pollution enhances the resources the use factor .

    期望通过采用先进的物流技术、物流设施,最大程度地降低对环境的污染,提高资源的 利用

  • This kind of sensor can measure several parameters simultaneously improve the use factor of channel communicate with other devices and also can ask to the center control computer .

    这种传感器能同时测量多个参量,提高了信道的 利用 ,能与环境中的其它设备进行通信,还可以向中心控制计算机发出请求。

  • The research methods of the quantity are through the questionnaire investigation and statistics analyses ; the main statistics methods are to use factor analyses and the internal consistency reliability analyses .

    量的研究方法是通过问卷调研和统计分析,主要是 使用 因素分析法和内部一致性信度分析。

  • According to the population economy environment and resources I continue to use factor analysis for rankings . I combine entropy method with coordination degree analysis for general evaluation .

    因子分析对2009年江苏省13地级市按照人口、经济生活、环境资源三大类排名,结合 运用熵值法和协调度分析的排名,进行综合评价分析。

  • We use factor analysis method to evaluate partner building safety in the setting of virtual enterprise of construction project .

    应用 因子分析法对建设项目动态联盟背景下的伙伴施工安全进行评价。

  • Finally we use factor analysis and cluster analysis of the major cities in the Northwest to study financial competitiveness . on this basis combined with incomplete information static game model I proposed the building of the regional financial center in the Northwest and reasonable proposal .

    最后 运用 因子分析和聚类分析法对西北主要城市金融集聚力进行研究,在此基础上结合不完全信息静态博弈模型,提出建设西北区域金融中心的合理建议。

  • Based on that we also use factor analysis evaluated 92 counties county ecology of Shandong province .

    在此基础上 利用 因子分析法对山东省92个县域金融生态环境进行评价。

  • Compares with the traditional process this technology has the productivity high the energy consumption low the material use factor high the product quality is good and so on a series of merits .

    与传统工艺相比,该技术具有生产率高、能耗低、材料 利用 高、产品质量好等一系列优点。

  • One of the innovations of the paper is that we use factor analysis to analyze the performance roundly ;

    本文的创新之处有两个方面,一是 运用因子分析法,逐年、全面的对公司并购绩效进行分析;

  • The cantilever shelf has the structure to be dexterous carrying capacity is good spatial use factor higher characteristic ;

    悬臂式货架具结构轻巧、载重能力好、空间 利用 高等特点;

  • Use factor They represent important influences on the utilization of the feed .

    它们对饲料的 利用 有重大影响。

  • In this paper we use Factor analysis and Clustering analysis method to analyze the county area economy development level and Spatial Structure in Gansu Province and a series of suggestions are put forward to improve the county area economy ( development ) in Gansu Province .

    文章 运用 因子分析和聚类分析的方法,对甘肃省县域经济发展在空间上的分布差异进行实证分析,并根据分析结论对进一步发展甘肃省县域经济提供政策建议。

  • Use factor analysis in econometrics to analyze the quality income of the listed companies of electronic categories systematically .

    应用计量经济学中的 因子分析法,系统分析了电子类上市公司的收益质量指标。

  • The cargo uses the tray to press the depth direction one after the other deposits on the support guide rail increases the storage density and the spatial use factor .

    货物采用托盘一个接一个按深度方向,存放在支撑导轨上,增大储存密度和空间 利用