[ˌju:es'es][ˌju: es ˈes]

abbr.United States Ship 美国军舰

  • ABOARD THE USS GEORGE WASHINGTON – Nothing projects air and sea power more vividly than supercarriers .

    乔治华盛顿 军舰上-没有什么能比超级航母更清楚地展示美国在全球的空中和海上力量。

  • The method of data transmission by serial communication based on USS protocol in inverter control

    基于 USS协议的串口通信数据在变频器中实现传输的方法

  • The USS Bonhomme Richard which had been on patrol in the Yellow Sea joined the rescue effort .

    在黄海巡逻的好人理查德号( USSBonhommeRichard)也加入到救援中。

  • During the Vietnam War he nearly lost his life in the1967 USS Forrestal fire .

    在越南战争期间,他几乎失去了生活在1967年 美国海军佛瑞斯塔火灾。

  • The team departed the scene via helicopter to the USS Carl Vinson in the north Arabian Sea .

    突击小队乘坐开往正在北方阿拉伯海 美国 卡尔•文森”号航母的直升机离开现场。

  • The Application of PLC in Jujube Process System Based on USS Protocol

    基于 USS协议下PLC在红枣加工系统中的应用

  • From z / OS1.9 side files can be included in USS archive files .

    从z/OS1.9开始,可以把副文件包含在 USS存档文件中。

  • It is not necessary to run the binder in USS to create a load module in USS .


  • China last week also refused to allow USS Kitty Hawk permission to visit Hong Kong over Thanksgiving .

    两周前,中国曾拒绝允许 小鹰 航空 母舰 usskittyhawk)在感恩节期间进入香港。

  • The Application of USS & S7-300 in Rated Pressure Water System


  • Foreign military vessels including the USS Fitzgerald will also sail to Qingdao for the event .

    包括“菲茨杰拉德 ussfitzgerald)在内的外国军事舰船也将驶往青岛参加活动。

  • Similarly native z / OS applications can reside in a USS file .

    同样,原生z/OS应用程序可以驻留在 USS文件中。

  • I want you to meet me on the flight deck of the USS intrepid .

    我想和你在无畏 航母博物馆的起飞甲板上见面。

  • He said Admiral Sam Locklear was leading the operations from the USS Mount Whitney in the Mediterranean Sea .

    他说,海军上将 洛克利尔在地中海的 惠特尼 指挥 上指挥这次行动。

  • The U.S.military announced on Wednesday that the USS George Washington an aircraft carrier would conduct exercises with the South Korean navy on Sunday .

    美国军方周一宣布美国华盛顿号 航空 母舰周日将和南朝鲜海军进行演习。

  • The 22-year-old 's last entry in the diary written aboard the USS Maui on December 1 1943 described winning $ 200 at craps .

    1943年12月1日,22岁的琼斯在毛伊岛的 军舰上写下了最后一则日记,他在日记中纪录道,自己掷骰子赢了200美元。

  • The memorial is for the sailors killed in the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen .

    该纪念碑是为了美国库尔 驱逐 在也门遭受攻击时所丧生的士兵们而 临时 设置的。

  • The USS Cole was refuelling in the port of Aden in Yemen when it was attacked in2000 .

    2000年, 美国 军舰 科尔 在也门的亚丁港口加油时遭受了攻击。

  • The study of the resistance prediction method is presented with the thin ship theory for USS Enterprise aircraft carrier .

    使用薄船理论,针对 美国 企业 航母进行 航母阻力理论预报方法的初步研究。

  • With military helicopters hovering above and a flotilla of escort ships alongside the USS San Francisco returned to Guam on Monday . helicopters and parking apron equipment ;

    星期一,美国 海军旧金山 潜艇在空中盘旋的直升机和一支水面舰队的护航下回到关岛。直升飞机及停机坪设备;

  • The Seventh Fleet has two destroyers participating in searches the USS Kidd and USS Pinckney plus an oiler the USNS John Ericsson to provide fuel and supplies .

    参加第七舰队搜寻任务的包括两艘驱逐舰,分别是 USSKidd和USSPinckney,此外还包括一艘提供燃油和补给的舰队油船USNSJohnEricsson。

  • After losing contact with the USS Storm Bringer a group of elite soldiers from D.A.R.K.


  • Are the USS fleets and their personnels doing the69 ?

    美国 舰队和他的职员在玩69式吗?

  • Accessing native z / OS files from C isn 't much different from accessing USS files .

    从C代码访问原生z/OS文件与访问 USS文件并没有很大的不同。

  • See the z / OS USS Command Reference for more information on this command .

    关于这个命令的更多信息,请参考z/OS USSCommandReference。

  • The chief of Al Qaeda operations in the Persian gulf who planned the bombings of our embassies in East Africa and the USS cole ;

    “基地”组织海湾地区的行动负责人,此人曾谋划在我国驻东非地区使馆和美国 军舰 科尔 上制造爆炸事件;

  • Theoretical Study of the Resistance Prediction of USS Enterprise Aircraft Carrier

    企业 航空 母舰阻力预报理论研究

  • But today most people still have a concept of a wall between UNIX Systems Services ( USS ) and the more traditional z / OS believing that an application can only run on one or the other .

    但是,目前大多数人仍然觉得在UNIXSystemsServices( USS)和传统z/OS之间有一道“墙”,认为一个应用程序只能在其中一种环境中运行。