usnic acid



  • Plasmid Elimination Effect of Usnic Acid on Antibiotic - Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

    松萝 对金黄色葡萄球菌耐药质粒的消除作用

  • Conclusion : Sodium usnic acid can accelerate skin wound healing the effects was not by stimulating proliferation of fibroblasts .

    结论: 松萝 具有 伤口愈合 作用,其 修复作用不是通过促进成纤维细胞增殖而加速皮肤创伤愈合。

  • Skin wound healing promoting action of sodium usnic acid was determined in rats .

    整体 观察 松萝 大鼠 实验性皮肤损伤的修复作用。

  • Advances in the resistance to pathogenic organisms and the drug action of usnic acid

    松萝 抗病原生物的活性及药物作用研究进展

  • Oral acute toxicity of ( + ) - usnic acid in mice and its cytotoxicity in rat cardiac fibroblasts

    旋松 对小鼠口服急性毒性及细胞毒性的实验研究

  • RESULTS : Under the action of 10 μ g / ml usnic acid for 30 min the rhoptries lysed and the daughter cell membrane and membranate structures of tachyzoites appeared broken .

    结果:经10μg/ml 松萝 作用30min,即可见速殖子的棒状体后段中央部分被溶解,细胞膜相结构和子虫的细胞膜断裂。

  • Conclusion : Usnic acid can eliminate the antibiotic-resistant plasmid in Sa . It is possible to use Usnic acid to treat the infection of antibiotic-resistant Sa in clinic .

    结论: 松萝 对Sa耐药质粒有消除作用,有可能用于临床治疗耐药Sa感染。

  • Objective : To observe the influence of Usnic acid on the antibiotic-resistant plasmid in Staphylococcus aureus ( Sa ) .

    目的:观察 松萝 对金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcusaureus,Sa)耐药质粒的 消除 作用探讨松萝 消除 可能性

  • The Researching Progress of Usnic Acid

    松萝 研究进展

  • The Inhibitory Effect of Usnic Acid on Proliferation of the PC-3 M Cells

    地衣 抑制前列腺癌PC-3M细胞增殖效应的 初步探讨

  • For S - ( - ) usnic acid 0.4 mg / ml was the lowest effective concentration against Trichomonas vaginalis in vitro .

    S-(-) 松萝 在体外杀滴虫的最低有效浓度为0.4mg/ml;

  • Objective : To study the effects of sodium usnic acid on proliferation of fibroblasts and skin wound healing .

    目的:研究 松萝 钠对成纤维细胞增殖及促皮肤创伤愈合的影响。

  • Effect of Sodium Usnic Acid on Migrating and Secreting Growth Factor of Fibroblast in vitro

    松萝 钠对体外培养成纤维细胞迁移及分泌生长因子的影响

  • The tachyzoites treated by 50 μ g / ml usnic acid for 4 h could not be recovered in the inoculated mice .

    经50μg/ml 松萝 作用 4h的虫体在小鼠体内未能复苏。