up run

[ʌp rʌn][ʌp rʌn]


  • I hasten to climb up the run it also behind called .

    我赶紧爬 起来拔腿 ,它还在后面叫着。

  • Because MH03 is a self-contained executable it is very easy to set up and run .

    由于MH03是一个独立的可执行文件,因而 设置 运行十分轻松。

  • It 's set up to run an application called CirclesXlet which I call the balls application .

    我们 运行的是一个名为 CirclesXlet的应用程序,我称之为球应用程序。

  • So I grabbed him up and run him out of there .


  • They 'll just up and run anyhow them two .


  • In this section we set up and run a scheduler to periodically discover services from Oracle Application Server .

    在此部分,我们将 设置运行调度程序,以定期发现OracleApplicationServer中的服务。

  • This brings up the Run window ; enter the program arguments ( if any ) in the Arguments tab .

    Run窗口 打开了,在Arguments选项卡中输入程序参数(如果有的话)。

  • He wanted to get up and run but he was so full of food he stayed right there .

    他想站 起来 跑掉,但他吃得这样饱,只好留在原处。

  • It presents a method how to make use of electrospark hardening and change the structure of die to prevent up run of scraps .

    本文针对高速冲裁过程中废料回带产生的原因及其危害,介绍 用电火花强化改变凹模结构来防止 废料回带的方法。

  • Select a project and then click move up to run that project earlier when you start the debugger or click move down to run the project later .

    选择一个项目,然后单击“ 上移”以在启动调试器时较早 运行该项目,或单击“下移”以较晚运行该项目。

  • You were trying to get up and run into the street .

    你试着 起床到街上去。

  • He wanted to jump up and run outside screaming like a madman .

    他想跳 起来 跑到外面去,像疯子那样尖叫一番。

  • I never saw you give up a run .

    你从没有 放弃比赛

  • What he ought to do was pack up and run .

    他应该做的就是 收拾东西 溜之大吉

  • We will win or die give up or run no one is going .

    我们将取得胜利或是死亡,但没有人会选择 投降逃跑

  • Eventually a cron job will be set up to run the build nightly .

    还将 设置一个定时任务在夜间 运行构建。

  • Now that the nodes are set up to run Python modules let 's create a new one .

    现在已经 设置 节点可以准备 运行Python模块了,让我们创建一个新模块。

  • We will then export our plug-in and set it up to run outside the development environment .

    接下来我们将会导出插件并且为在开发环境外部 运行对其进行 设置

  • You 've now spent some time editing configurations and getting your system set up to run a couple of Xen servers .

    现在您已经用了一些时间来编辑配置,并 建立 运行两个Xen服务器的系统。

  • My company has asked me to head up ( run ) our office in Beijing .

    我们公司要调我到北京办事处去 管理

  • Keep your head up and run through me .

    把头 起来

  • To set up and run the portable collector on the system from which you want to collect data

    要在希望从中收集数据的系统上 设置 运行便携收集器,请 执行以下 操作

  • Give up a run in baseball .

    这场棒球 他们 认输了。

  • When the water was gone Billy jumped up to run back to the house .

    当水被舔干净之后,比利 一跃回家里。

  • This may or may not be the same instance that is returned when the account is looked up at run time .

    这可能是也可能不是在 运行查找帐户时返回的相同的实例。

  • The program had been set up to run in 50 counties in seven states .

    已经建立 起来的部分系统可以在全美7个州的50个县 运行