update memory

[ʌpˈdet ˈmɛməri][ʌpˈdeit ˈmeməri]

[计] 更新存储器

  • The connections construction and update algorithm balances the new arrival connections and the overtime connections so that the number of connections stored in the memory is stable .

    提出了一种连接哈希表构建与 更新算法,平衡新到的连接与超时丢弃的连接,使 内存中存储的连接数量趋于稳定。

  • Just a small bugfix update I left some pre-production code in0.5.3 that shouldn 't be there and could cause higher memory usage and slower speeds .

    只是一个小的修复 更新,我丢弃了一些0.5.3中的早期代码,因为它们本就不该存在于发布版本中,而且还可能引发高 内存占用和降低效率。

  • In order to update a segment register the corresponding segment descriptor must be modified in kernel memory and then reloaded into the segment register .

    更新段寄存器时,与其相应的段描述符必须在核心 内存中修改,然后重新载入段寄存器。

  • The little partner active Panda update the memory of Niuniu 's childrenhood the games ever played with Aiu come back again .

    潘达这个活泼的小伙伴儿激活了牛牛的童年 记忆,那些曾经和爱悠玩过的游戏又回来了。

  • During the update of the old program version the new memory addresses are explicitly computed in addition to the moved program parts and are inserted into the new program version to be created .

    新旧程序版本时,新的 存储地址对于移动的程序部分来明确地计算,并且插入到新的要建立的程序版本中。

  • In path metric update we adopt In-place path metric updating method that can reduce half of memory space and lower the power dissipation .

    在路径度量的 存储 更新上采用原位运算的方法,减少了一半的 存储器,减少了功耗的使用。

  • Moreover we develop a method to incrementally update the subspace which further lower the memory cost and computational cost .

    此外,我们还开发了增量地 更新子空间的方法,这进一步降低了所需的 存储开销和计算代价。

  • The update page also confirms that everything saved in the phone memory will be wiped therefore make sure your phone is backed up through a third-party app .

    更新页面也印证了保存在手机 内存中,一切都将被消灭,因此,确保您的手机支持通过第三方应用程序。

  • An Efficient Checkpointing Scheme for Update Intensive Applications in Main Memory Database Systems

    面向 更新密集型应用的 内存数据库高效检查点技术

  • When multiple directions update shared memory data at the same time you need various security mechanisms and you must arrange the order of data writing to ensure the accuracy and security of data .

    有多个方向同时 更新共享 内存中的数据时,则需要某种安全机制以及数据写入顺序的安排,确保数据的准确性、安全性。

  • Furthermore using state update equation and output equation we prove the good memory capacity of the model .

    通过该模型的状态 更新方程和输出方程,进一步证明了其良好的 记忆能力。

  • Inheritance and Update of Living Memory : Thinking About New Residential Design

    居住 亿的传承与 更新&对新民居设计的思考

  • Secondly the cognitive factors which might affect the focus switch costs mainly including retrieval rehearsal processing update of memory and size of memory set etc. ( 3 ) The size of C.

    影响注意焦点转换代价的因素,包括提取、 复述、加工、 更新和记忆集大小等;

  • The main idea of GDA strategy is that : In time quantum T the system does not execute the attribute updating operation immediately but store the update information in the memory cell temporarily .

    GDA策略的思想:时间段T内,属性更新操作并不是立即执行,而是将 更新信息暂时存储在 存储单元中,时间段T过后,统一执行各组更新操作。

  • Split up batch update calls to keep the generated XML small enough to not run into out of memory exceptions .

    分割批量 更新调用,以保持生成的XML足够小,不会出现 内存溢出异常。

  • A novel memory efficient path metric update is proposed for Maximum A Posteriori ( MAP ) decoder of turbo codes to reduce the memory requirement of state metric information calculation .

    本文提出一种新型的高存储效率的最大似然译码(MAP)译码器网格信息 更新实现方法,该方法可以降低Turbo码译码器状态阵列计算对 存储器的需求。

  • To assure the distribution of the Pareto optimal solutions set a vicinity crowding algorithm different from the cluster algorithm was used to update the memory cells set .

    提出一种有别于传统聚类算法的邻近排挤算法对 记忆细胞集进行 不断 更新删除,保证了Pareto最优解集的分布均匀性。

  • On the one hand to realize the on-line real-time update program function in multi-channel public telephone fee system using the FLASH memory dynamic programming technology of micro-controller .

    一方面利用嵌入式微控制器中FLASH 存储器的动态编程技术,在多路公用电话计费系统中实现了在线实时 更新程序的功能。

  • This paper proposes an XML update algorithm based on SAX model which can decrease memory and time take for updating XML document .

    提出一种基于SAX模型的XML文档 更新算法,利用SAX模型占用时间和 空间少的优点进行文档的更新。

  • To overcome defects existing in methods based on neural networks such as the periodical update on detectors and poor performance on unknown attacks the memory learning and dynamic regulating abilities of artificial idiotypic networks are used to implement intrusion detection approaches .

    为解决神经网络检测方法中检测器需要定期 更新、未知攻击检测性能低等问题,利用人工独特型网络的 记忆、学习和动态调整能力实现入侵检测。

  • UPDATE : The AP has updated their story ( for the fourth time apparently ) to clarify that this covers just DRAM not other kinds of memory .

    消息:美联社将新闻内容更新(显然已经是第四次了),阐明这次的罚款只针对三星在美国对DRAM价格的操纵,并不涉及其它类型的 内存