upon the look

[əˈpɑn ði lʊk][əˈpɔn ðə luk]


  • I will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower and will look forth to see what he will speak with me and what I shall answer concerning my complaint .

    我要站在哨岗,立 城楼, 留心看耶和华在我里面说甚麽,怎样使我答覆自己的怨诉。

  • Since the new law touches upon the interests of every wage earner this warning has sparked heated discussion in different newspapers . Let 's follow XXX to take a close look .

    由于新合同法涉及 每个工薪族 利益,这种预言在全国各报刊上引起激烈的讨论,让我们和X一起 关注 一下 这个问题。

  • Look Back upon the Fifty Years Look Forward to the New Century

    回眸50年 展望新世纪&黑色冶金矿山科学技术 回顾与展望

  • I have from an early age abjured the use of meat and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men .

    我在年轻的时候便开始吃素,我相信有那么一天,所有的人类会以他们现在 看待人类互相残杀 心态,来 看待谋杀动物的行为。

  • The surface morphology was observed by SEM the influence of the change upon the thin film facial look of craft parameter .

    利用SEM观测Al2O3薄膜的表面形貌, 观察工艺参数的改变 薄膜形貌的影响。

  • Her father 's ship put out to sea upon the look for certain merchantmen .

    她父亲的船已经 出港,去 搜寻一个商船队。

  • We should be brave to propose new ideas based upon the present and look into the future of design in China .

    我们应该有勇气提出新的构想, 立足当下, 展望中国设计的未来。

  • Upon the utterance of this word Dan and Harry exchanged a quick meaningful look .

    这句话一出口,丹和哈里马上交换了一个意味深长的 眼神

  • Based upon the discussion of Krugman 's Multiple Equilibria Theory the paper tries to explain the long cycle phenomenon of international oil price fluctuations by taking a close look at the evolution of the long-term market supply and demand .

    讨论 克鲁格曼多重均衡理论基础 ,以长期市场供求关系演变解释了国际油价波动长周期现象。

  • Based upon the studies from the others this paper will analysis the challenges encountered by the curriculum design for the Re-education do some research on its history and status in perspective and predict its development so as to look for a countermeasure .

    都是亟待探究与解决的问题。本研究力求在前人的研究基础 ,通过对广西小学体育骨干教师继续教育课程设计面临挑战的分析、发展历史的透视与现状的 调查研究。

  • The cooperating individualism looks upon gift resource and benefit as being the result cooperation look upon equality as the construction being one kind of relation between person and person .

    合作的个人 主义将禀赋、资源和利益看作是合作 结果, 平等看作是人与人之间的一种关系的建构。

  • WINDMILL stood upon the hill proud to look at and it was proud too .

    有一个风车。它的 样子很骄傲,它自己也真的感到很骄傲。

  • To bury one 's nose in one 's manuscript is frowned upon . Place your forehead against the camera and look through the viewfinder .

    埋头读稿是不可取的。将相机贴在 额头,通过取景器 观察取景。