



  • Different Fate between Opening and Obstruction : Comparative Research on Development of Morden Upcountry Traditional Political Cities

    开放与封闭的不同气运&近代 内陆传统政治型城市发展比较研究

  • China has a large area of saline which strictly restrict the economical development in these areas especially in the upcountry . How to improve and utilize the salinized-soil becomes an important work of recovery and rebuild of environment in Go-West Campaign .

    我国盐渍土壤面积很大,严重的制约了这些地区、尤其是 内陆地区经济发展,如何改良和利用盐渍土壤已成为实施西部大开发战略中的生态恢复与重建工作的重要方面。

  • Compare and Suggestion of Architect and Design Institute with Upcountry and Hongkong


  • Breed breed to breed development from odd all along much assortment breed area to expand from coastal upcountry and adjacent province .

    养殖品种从单一向多品种养殖发展,养殖区域从沿海、 内陆及邻近省份扩大。

  • The 40-mile drive upcountry to the town of Hatton took us two and a half hours .

    我们开车花两个半小时 内地行驶了大约40英里,赶往哈顿镇。

  • Because manufacturing benefit is very distinct grow area by afore-mentioned area upcountry province outspread .

    由于生产效益十分显著,种植区域由上述地区 内陆省份延伸。

  • Dialyzing the Traveling Appeal of Taiwan to the Upcountry Residents

    台湾对 内地居民的旅游吸引力之透析

  • When I 'm alone it is more like I drive to travel upcountry and not a location survey trip .

    我一个人的时候开车去 内地旅行,这不像为了 工作而去 确定的地点做调查。