up time

[ʌp taɪm][ʌp taim]


  • You need to be able to define operational levels for your services : response time up time average number of concurrent users and so on .

    您要能够为您的服务确定运行级别:应答时间、 启动 时间,当前用户的平均数量等等。

  • He woke up in time .

    及时 清醒

  • Let 's say that your company already has a policy for timestamping database records and has standardized the names of these fields to cr_time and up_time .

    假设您的公司已经制有 数据库记录加时间戳的策略,而且 这些字段的名称标准化为crtime和 up time

  • This MXBean offers few useful monitoring metrics but it does provide the JVM 's input arguments and the start time and up time both of which can be useful as factors in other derived metrics .

    该MXBean提供的有用监控指标很少,但它确实提供了JVM的输入参数和启动时间及 运行 时间,这两者在其他派生指标中都是很有用的。

  • Wake me up in time .

    到时 叫醒我。

  • They 'll have to make up time lost during the strike .

    他们不得不加班 弥补罢工耽误的 时间

  • ' They want to be CEO for example but they say they don 't want to give up time with their families . '

    比如说,他们想当CEO,却表示不愿意减少与家人相处的 时间

  • This speeds up time to value and simplifies software development distribution and management .

    这可以缩短实现价值的 时间,简化软件的开发、分发和管理。

  • The result is graphed dramatically as much less idle ramp up time in between timeout events resulting in less down time .

    超时事件间的空闲 上升 时间越来越少,把这个结果画成图很引人关注,结果造成停机时间更少。

  • Both products can help teams improve their understanding of the system and free up time to focus on quality issues during design and beyond .

    这两个产品都可以帮助团队改善他们对系统的理解,并节省 时间 出来关注在设计和以后工作期间的质量问题。

  • The aim was not to take up valuable time with the usual boring pictures .

    目的在于不要用常见的无聊图片 占用宝贵 时间

  • Once you have built up a time series you will probably want to retrieve historical data .

    构建一个 时间系列后,您可能想要检索历史数据。

  • How much did we sack up this time ?


  • B : He really messed up this time .


  • This leads to the conclusion that every additional image used in the Synth look adds to load up time .

    据此可以下结论,在Synth外观中使用的每个附加图像增加了装载 时间

  • They screwed things up big time


  • Autonomous cars would reduce highway congestion cut down on accidents maximize fuel economy and free up time for drivers to perform other tasks .

    自动驾驶的汽车可以减轻高速公路拥挤,减少交通事故,使燃油经济性得到最大化,并且为驾驶员 空出 时间 他们腾出手来去做别的事。

  • Free up time for your loved ones .


  • Try adding up this time instead of subtracting .

    这次试用 加法,不用减法。

  • Focus on one single task at a time . Distractions and multitasking eat up your time .

    一次只专注一个任务,分心和多任务工作都会浪费你的 时间

  • System up time indicates the elapsed time since the device was last restarted including controlled firmware reloads as well as any unexpected device restarts .

    系统运行 时间表示自设备最近一次重启后经过的时间,包括受控制的固件重新加载和所有意外的设备重启。

  • A large amount of project start up time is spent in resource acquisition installation and configuration .

    大量项目的 启动 时间会花费在资源获取、安装和配置上。

  • Having a regular wake up time is just as important for night owls as it is for early risers . If you dont set a schedule youll have a hard time being productive .

    对夜猫子来说,保持一个有规律的 起床 时间就像早起者一样重要。如果你作息没有规律,那你就很难保持高效。

  • We 've had a pretty bad time while you were away . In fact we very nearly split up this time

    你不在的时候我们相处得很不愉快,确切地说 这次我们差点就 分手

  • A long lunch also benefits single people as it frees up time for them to go on a date .

    一份悠长的午餐对于单身男女也是大有裨益,因为他们可以有更 充足 时间去约会。

  • They 're lucky that the weather has cleared up in time for the tennis match .

    他们真幸运,天气已经 转晴,网球比赛可以 按时举行了。

  • The semi-finalists had to play twice in the day to make up for time lost to bad weather .

    为了 回恶劣天气耽误的 时间,半决赛选手不得不一日双赛。

  • She set the alarm so she 'd wake up in time to give her two sons their medication .

    她定了闹钟,以便 及时 醒来给两个儿子服药。

  • This question must be brought up time and again in the hope of attracting universal attention .

    这个问题必须 反复讲,以期引起各方面的重视。