


  • It was unctuous false and unwholesome like the man .

    他的口气是油滑的,虚伪的, 讨厌的,就象他那个人。

  • We ourselves may act upon unwholesome thoughts such as wanting to harm someone or we may cause or condone them in others ;

    我们都有可能会有 健康的思想,比如希望伤害别人,或者我们会造成或者纵容别人去伤害别人。

  • When he finally set off with the letter to Lily I had a very unwholesome feeling .

    当他带着给莉莉的信离开时,我感到十分 怅然

  • There are those who give little of the much which they have & and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome .

    有些人拥有很多,却给予得很少,而他们的给予也 不过 只是 为了 沽名而给予,而他们隐藏内心的欲念已使得给予 上了 污点

  • For fountains they are a great beauty and refreshment ; but pools mar all and make the garden unwholesome and full of flies and frogs .

    至于喷水池,乃是很美而且很能爽人的东西;但是水塘一类的东西则有损于一切,而且使园子 变得 不合 卫生,充满了蚊蝇和青蛙。

  • Perhaps she was having a foretaste of her unhappy future because of unwholesome kamma .

    可能她正在 预尝一点由恶业决定的不幸的来生的苦味。

  • Even without indulging in unwholesome behaviors Dr. Cacioppo and others have shown that loneliness can impair health by raising levels of stress hormones and increasing inflammation .

    卡奇奥波和其他研究者发现,孤独的人们就算不会沉缅于 健康的行为,但孤独仍会导致人体的压力激素水平上升,加剧炎症反应,进而影响健康。

  • From the Buddhist point of view these weapons have appeared because of the unwholesome kamma of their potential victims .

    从佛教的观点看,这些武器的出现是由于潜在的核武器受害者的 业。

  • Objective To study on influence of the health education steps and unwholesome pattern of behaviors and life style upon hypertention patients .

    目的探讨健康教育措施对高血压病人 不良行为生活方式的影响。

  • In order to consolidate the socialist regime achieve the modernization of the country we must firmly establish our own core cultural values and consciously resist the invasion of Western unwholesome ideas .

    为巩固我国社会主义政权、实现国家的现代化,我们必须牢固树立自己的文化核心价值观念,自觉抵制西方 不良思想的侵袭。

  • These are to give up entirely the five unwholesome actions : destroying life taking what is not given sexual wrong-doing speaking falsely and drunkenness .

    这就是需要完全 杜绝的五种 恶行:杀生,偷盗,纵欲,说谎,酗酒。

  • Once seated there began that exhibition of showy wasteful and unwholesome gastronomy as practised by wealthy americans which is the wonder and astonishment of true culture and dignity the world over .

    一坐下,就开始展示有钱的美国人 特有的那种 铺张浪费且有 健康 法。这种 法令全世界真正有教养,有尊严的人感到奇怪和吃惊。

  • My desire to be rich was an insane unwholesome oppressive desire .

    我对财富的渴望疯狂、 病态犹如 心头的一 重石

  • Chapter two describes the sources of investment total amount and structure of China 's agriculture and also are the main problems in agricultural investment such as low investment unscientific structure and unwholesome investment construction analyzed .

    第二章描述了中国农业投资来源、总量、结构的情况,并分析了中国农业投资存在的投资不足、结构不 合理、投资架构 健全等主要问题。

  • He did not accept any religion so he often did unwholesome things .

    他不接受任何宗教,常做 坏事

  • The way to release yourself into future deliverance is to give up unwholesome actions no matter what !

    而将你从这个 可怕的未来解救出来的 惟一的办法就是放弃你 错误的行动, 之外别无 途。

  • It is important to know that the defiled unwholesome states of mind can only bring negative effects in the future .

    知道被 染污的心 只会为未来带来负面影响,这一点很重要。

  • This symbolises the purification of one 's unwholesome deeds with wholesome deeds .


  • So he taught him the Five Training Steps to avoid unwholesome actions .

    于是医生给 传授了 修习五学 的方法,教他 改恶从善

  • From this unwholesome environment is my moral duty .

    这个 境地是我道德上的责任。

  • It is unwholesome actions of body mouth and mind that are keeping us revolving in samsara .

    这个是 因为我们 健全的身、口、意所 ,才使我们在生死轮回中一直轮转。

  • But if you commit such terrible unwholesome acts even though promised the unpleasant results will put you in much greater bondage .

    但是尽管你做了这个承诺,如果你真的 履行这个错误的行为的话,不 愉快的结果会将你带到更大的束缚当中。

  • Unwholesome associations often lead to unwholesome thoughts and actions .

    不良 影响常常会导致不良的想法和行为

  • The people commit these unwholesome acts due to ignorance and superstition .

    人们犯下的 过错 因为无知和迷信。

  • She disapproves of my unwholesome living .

    她不赞同我的 不良的生活方式。

  • Only the strongest bodies can live and enjoy health under an unwholesome regimen .

    只有最强健的身体才能在 卫生的饮食下生存并享受健康带来的乐趣。

  • The fish were unwholesome and old .

    这些鱼既 卫生新鲜。