


  • He began to have a new horror of winning of the victories of untrammeled autonomy .

    他开始厌恶 上风, 厌恶 羁绊 自由

  • Save more unnecessary cost and enjoy being a free and untrammeled backpacker .

    节省更多不必要的开销,尽情享受做一个 无拘无束的背包客!

  • Bill has an easy-going charm . You are attracted to those who are unbridled untrammeled and free .

    比尔可以不费力 吸引 别人 注意力。你容易被那些 逍遥 不羁的人所吸引。

  • Erosion control of soil is particularly uneconomical in the United States because of the untrammeled pursuit of profits .

    在美国,由于 休止 追求利润,所以控制土壤侵蚀特别不合算。

  • When his schoolmate made the last goal the boy gave out with an untrammeled yell . a football game in which two teams of 11 players try to kick or head a ball into the opponents ' goal .

    那个男孩在他的同学踢进最后一球时 不禁 纵声欢呼。一种足球运动两队各有11个选手并尽力去踢或顶一个球使进入对方的球门。

  • The differences are : Walden belongs to typical American version of romantic pastoral which describes a mysterious untrammeled and primal paradise beginning at the limit of a real village ;

    它属于美国典型浪漫主义牧歌式文学,描写的是与现实 相接的一片神秘、原始、 荒芜 乐土