


  • People should take optimistic and active attitudes towards some untranslatable phenomena especially ones caused by cultural differences .

    人们应该对一些 现象持乐观、积极态度,尤其是那些由于文化差异造成的 现象

  • Handling of untranslatable composition in Chinese-English mutual translation

    汉英互译中 成分的处理

  • Literal translation domestication adding and annotation are all good ways for untranslatable humorous language and that difficult to translate .

    直译,归化, 增益,加注这 种方法对难翻译的 幽默语言颇为有效。

  • The glossary databases contain all the strings extractable in applications including untranslatable strings .

    词汇表数据库包含应用程序中可提取的所有字符串,包括 翻译的字符串。

  • On the other hand owing to the regional differences in cultural tradition language structure and thinking model sometimes language is not completely translatable and it is even untranslatable .

    但另一方面,由于各地域文化传统、语言结构和思维模式的差异,语言有时又不是完全可译的,有时甚至是 的。

  • As for a pun itself it is almost untranslatable .

    就双关语本身来说,它几乎是 的。

  • In the properties files translatable strings and untranslatable strings are separated into different files .

    而在属性文件中,可翻译字符串和 翻译字符串分放在不同的文件中。

  • The present author will analyze the translatable and untranslatable factors in Chinese classical poetry from both the linguistic and the cultural aspects so as to find out whether Chinese classical poetry is translatable or not and to further prove the limitation of the equivalent translation theory .

    本文从语言和文化两方面通过对中国古典诗歌翻译的分析,探讨中国古典诗歌的可 性问题,并进一步论证等值翻译理论的局限性。

  • Moreover translators should have in mind that certain culture-loaded expressions are untranslatable but some compensation approaches such as allusion could be employed to bridge the cultural gap in literary translation .

    但是,译者 应该 回避:有的文化差异 确实 无法 弥补,但可通过一些补偿手段( 诸如加 脚注等)获得对等。

  • The study of what is untranslatable will help us to review our work of translation revise our standards of translation and improve our translation theory .

    研究 语言 性有助于回顾我们的翻译工作,修订我们的翻译标准,完善我们的翻译理论。

  • We often meet untranslatable factors in the practice of translation .

    在翻译活动中,我们经常遇到 现象

  • Those who think pun is untranslatable base their opinion on the fact that all words are culture-specific and each language has its peculiar grammar .

    那些认为双关是 的人认为所有的词都具有文化的独特性,且每种语言都有其独特的语法, 因此 双关 的。

  • About style translation one of the views holds that style is translatable and can be conveyed by the most suitable literary language nevertheless there are many scholars who view style as untranslatable .

    一种观点认为,风格是可译的,可以用适合于原作风格的文学语言传达原作的内容与形式;也有许多学者认为风格是 的。

  • Then under the guidance of the two basic principles it suggests some translation methods for CCP translation especially in treating untranslatable factors .

    再次,提出中国古典诗歌的翻译方法,这些方法主要是在两个原则指导下,对 性问题的处理方法。

  • The artistic level is untranslatable .


  • Some scholars compare the difficulties in humor translation with that in poetry and regard humor as untranslatable .

    有的学者将幽默翻译的难度与诗歌的做比较,认为有些幽默是 的。

  • Humor has long been considered untranslatable from one language to another .

    长期以来,幽默被认为很 从一种语言 转换成另一种语言。

  • Although there really are some untranslatable factors it can not be neglected to the communication and mutual influence between foreign and Chinese poetry especially the boom of poetry translation in the early 20 ~ th .

    尽管在诗歌翻译中确实存在一些 的因素,但中外诗歌间的交流与影响,尤其是二十世纪初诗歌翻译的盛况, 是不容忽视的事实。

  • By a combined consideration of related theories of readership acceptance speech act in pragmatics and functional translation recontextualization is put forward with a view to carrying the untranslatable to the target readers .

    随后应用接受理论、语用学言语行为及功能翻译理论相关论点,针对上述 部分提出语境重构策略。读者接受理论认为每个读者的期待视野与其身处的文化背景紧密相关。

  • As to this question there are two opposing opinions . One is that style is untranslatable .

    对于这个问题,无 是两种意见:一种意见是认为风格 不能 翻译

  • Having a brief contrastive analysis in the perspective of Culturet and style between Chinese and English the article explains some untranslatable phenomena between the two languages .

    对英汉语言特点简要分析对比,解释两种语言在互译过程中存在的 性。

  • Untranslatable into words I chose my home in what is now .

    难以 言传,我选择我的家,它正 于。

  • The untranslatable principle of onto-hermeneutics in Gadamer is based upon the Sprachlichkeit and the elements of hermeneutics in understanding .

    基于理解的语言性及其诠释学因素的客观存在,伽达默尔提出了“不 翻译性”之 诠释学原则。

  • Nowadays the readership-oriented perspective is increasingly highlighted in the theoretical construction of translation and it is worthwhile to examine the aesthetic deviation of the reader caused by those untranslatable factors .

    如今,“以读者为中心”的观念在翻译理论构建中的重要作用日益突显出来,因而审视这些 因素所造成的读者审美偏差是很有价值的。

  • The literary image in poetry is translatable but the musical one is untranslatable .

    诗歌中的文学意境是可译的,而音乐 意境则是 的。

  • So many translators are exerting great efforts to try to convert the untranslatable elements into translatable ones .

    因此许多翻译家竭尽全力地寻找将 双关 成分转化成 译成分的方法。

  • The continuous ups and downs of notes and vocals make Tante untranslatable into any language .

    龚琳娜演唱的《忐忑》中音符和歌声的起伏不定使得这 可能 翻译成任何语言。

  • Generally language units or textual elements with cognitive and expressive function are translatable with cultural function are partly translatable and with aesthetic function are untranslatable .

    通常,认知和表达功能是可译的,文化功能是部分可译的,而艺术功能是 的。

  • But a few such poems are so difficult to translate that they can be counted as untranslatable due to the differences between language cultures .

    有些英语异形诗可以 成汉语, 不少人在这方面做过成功的 尝试