upper state

[ˈʌpɚ stet][ˈʌpə steit]


  • The Leading Group chaired the formulation the Water Pollution Prevention Programme of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and the Upper Reaches and got the approval of the State Council for implementation .

    领导小组主持制定了《三峡库区及其 上游水污染防治规划》,经 国务院批准实施。

  • The pre support mechanism of forepoling bolt structure and stress distribution of its upper broken rock loading state of forepoling bolt and solution of arching in the cross section of tunnel are discussed .

    通过对力学模型的研究,分析了超前锚杆预支护结构的力学机制及其 上部碎块体的应力 状态、超前锚杆的受力 状态和垂直于超前锚杆断面成拱的解析解。

  • Study on the Upper State Population Distribution of Double Cladding Erbium-ytterbium Co-doped Fiber Amplifiers

    双包层 Er-Yb共掺光纤放大器 能级粒子数分布研究

  • Conclusion : Targeted nursing intervention for liver cirrhosis patients complicated with upper gastrointestinal bleeding can significantly improve their psychological state .

    对肝硬化合并 消化道出血病人给予针对性的心理护理和基础护理,可有效改善病人心理 状态

  • It is shown that ξ has influences on the probability of atom stimulated to upper state and Dopper-shift is more pronounced if Rabi frequency is larger .

    结果表明,ξ影响原子被激发到 高能 的几率,并且拉比频率越大多普勒频移更加明显。

  • A sufficient condition for the exponential mean-square stability of the filtering error system is first derived and an upper bound of the state estimation error variance is then obtained and afterwards the explicit expression of the desired filters has been parameterized .

    首先建立了滤波误差系统同时满足指数均方稳定与误差方差 上界约束的充分条件,其次给出了所求滤波器的具体算法。

  • While as a laser medium has excellent characteristics of high thermal conductivity larger emission cross-section and higher absorption coefficient moderate upper state lifetime and polarized laser output Nd : GdVO_4 crystals are more suitable for Q switch laser with high repetition rate and peak power output .

    而Nd:GdVO4晶体具有高热导率、大的发射截面和吸收截面、适中的寿命和偏振激光输出等优点,更适合作为高重频、高峰值功率 DPSSL的激光介质。

  • In the delivery pipeline with varying level of upper reservoir the transitional state between flow in open air and pressure flow often appears .

    上游库水位变化较大的输水管道中,经常会在明流与满流之间出现过渡 流态―― 满交替水流。

  • When a chipped divergent atomic beam interacts with a chipped divergent laser beam in space atoms will be excited to upper state and then emit fluorescence if Doppler frequency shift equals the difference between the atomic transition frequency and the laser frequency .

    发散的片状原子束和发散的 片状激光束在空间相互作用,当多普勒频移等于原子跃迁频率和激光器频率之差时,原子被激发并在空间发光。

  • In addition the temperature of the upper mantle was calculated using the one-dimensional stable state heat transfer equation .

    并且采用相似的方法,利用一维 稳态热传导方程,分析了地壳 地幔顶部的温度状况。

  • It was shown that the upper state population distribution of Er 3 + is chiefly affected by signal power and its lasing rate is almost kept upward of 50 % ;

    数值结果表明,Er3+ 能级粒子数分布受信号功率影响作用大,激发率基本保持在50%以上;

  • The study of audit history of China should be moved from the wrong academic area that upper project is a state audit .

    中国审计史的研究,应当走出西汉 计是 国家审计这一学术误区。

  • The dangers can be seen all too clearly in remote villages like Longuchuk near the oil-rich Sudd marshes of Upper Nile state .

    在临近 尼罗河 的Sudd沼泽油源丰富,如Longuchuk这样偏远的村庄,所有的危险清清楚楚。

  • Based on rate and power propagation equations the upper state population distribution of Er 3 + and Yb 3 + of an double cladding erbium-ytterbium co-doped fiber amplifier was analyzed numerically under three different 972 nm pumping scheme .

    基于速率方程和功率传播方程,数值分析了双包层ErYb共掺光纤放大器在波长为 972nm的泵浦光作用下,分别采用三种不同泵浦方式,其Er3+和Yb3+ 能级粒子数分布 情况

  • Transfer-beam is an important member which support all the loads of the upper structure . It often is in state of small shear-span ratio force because of flexible layout .

    转换梁是承托 上部结构全部荷载的重要构件,由于上部结构的灵活布置经常使其处于小剪跨比的受力 状态

  • It also indicates that the effective energy storage time is less than the upper state lifetime and the effective energy storage time will be diminished if the pump density is increased .

    提出了关于有效储能时间的两个推论1.有效储能时间小于 能级寿命;2.提高泵浦强度,则有效储能时间减小。

  • When α > 6.2 more reasonable upper bound of the ground state energy than that of strong coupling theory is obtained . We also give the improved results of the average virtu - al phonon number around the electron and the polaron effective mass .

    在电子-声子耦合常数α≥6.2时,得到了较强耦合理论更为合理的 基态能量 上限,以及围绕电子的平均虚声子数和极化子的有效质量。

  • Inversion of upper crustal stress state with collapse data from inclined boreholes by genetic algorithms

    用斜井钻孔崩落资料反演 地壳应力 状态的遗传算法

  • In this paper Robustness of singular perturbation system in the presence of bounded disturbance is researched a new adaptive law is proposed finite upper bound of state error parasitics variable and mismatch parameter are given .

    本文对具有有界扰动的奇异摄动系统进行了鲁棒性研究,采用新的自适应律,给出了 状态偏差,寄生变量和参数向量的有限 上界

  • First the author simply explained the background the state launching this movement mainly from the upper perspective to understand how did the state plan to transform the countryside in the era of collectivization .

    第一方面,作者简单交代了国家发动该运动的背景,主要是从 上层视角来了解集体化时代 国家是如何计划改造农村的。

  • A formula of energy storage in three-level system is deduced which is different from the previous results in which the upper state lifetime is taken as the energy storage time .

    推导了准三能级系统的储能公式。此公式与以前的结果不同,认为有效储能时间不等于 能级寿命。

  • During upper Silurian-Devonian the basin is in extrusion state and turn up large scale uplift ;

    志留世-泥盆纪盆地处于挤压 状态,出现了大范围的隆起;

  • According to the Boltzmann distribution under the local thermal equilibrium the N_2 vibrational temperature of the upper electronic state in the second positive system ( C ~ 3 Π _u - B ~ 3 Π _g ) was obtained via emission spectral analysis .

    根据n2发射光谱,在局部热平衡情况下,按照boltzmann分布计算了(c~3∏ u&b~3∏g)跃迁的激发 振动温度,得到了理想结果。

  • MATLAB was used to establish the hierarchical integration control system designed the lower subsystem controller and the upper system management controller and the upper system management controller monitored the vehicle running state and decided what to do .

    设计了下层子系统控制器和上层系统管理控制器,由 上层系统管理控制器对车辆运行 状态进行监控和决策。

  • In this paper we discuss the upper bound and lower bound on the asymptotic error performance of TCM and with emphasis investigate an analytical method for BER upper bounds by using error state diagram and generating function .

    本文讨论网格调制编码的上、下限渐近特性,重点研究了用错误 状态 转移图和生成函数求误比特率 上限的解析方法。

  • Adaptation of materials with low work function for the upper electrode and introduction of the interface state control layer will decrease the driving voltage and increase the electron emission ratio greatly .

    选择具有低功函数的 电极材料,并且引入界面 控制层将能够降低驱动电压和提高电子发射率。

  • Range of upper bound index on error state variance that is consistent with circular pole index is discussed for state estimation of a class of linear stochastic systems .

    对一类连续线性随机系统的估计问题,研究了与圆形极点指标相容的误差 状态方差 上界指标的取值范围,从而给出直接判定方差上界指标与极点指标相容的一个充分条件。

  • Maximum and minimum critical rates of deformation in open die extrusion are discussed on the basis of the slip field theory and the upper bound theory of plane state plastic deformation .

    采用平面塑性变形的滑移线理论和 上限理论对开式挤压成形工艺中的临界最小和临界最大变形率进行了分析计算,给出了挤压模角与 临界最小和临界最大变形率的对应关系;