upward shift

[ˈʌpwəd ʃɪft][ˈʌpwəd ʃift]

[计] 向上偏移

  • With the increase of plasma density dispersion curve is shifted upward significantly . Because the shift speed of the lower cutoff frequency for TM mode is greater than that of the upper cut-off frequency bandpass frequency range reduced gradually and the dispersion curves become flattened . 4 .

    随着等离子体密度的增加色散曲线明显 上移,由于TM模式的下截止频率 上移的速度大于上截止频率 上移的速度,导致通带的频率范围减小,色散曲线变平坦。

  • Brachial deep artery can be used for vascular pedicle bone ( film ) disc upward shift technology the treatment of humerus period of nonunion or bone defect . 5 .

    肱深动脉可用于血管蒂骨(膜)瓣 移位技术,治疗肱骨中、上段骨不连或骨缺损。