



  • The town was a few miles upwind of the explosion .

    这座镇子位于离爆炸 地点几英里处的上 风向 位置

  • The utility model is also provided with a wind-proof rod which can drag the umbrella cover in upwind ride to prevent the umbrella cover from being blown up and turned over .

    该伞还设有防风杆, 迎风骑车时,它可牵拉住伞面,以免伞面被风吹起上翻。

  • Airplanes do not ordinarily fly close to the ground in strong winds except in the upwind direction .


  • Stand upwind of the escape .

    站在逃逸 位置 逆风

  • An Upwind Scheme for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations

    定常不可压Navier-Stokes方程 迎风格式

  • Convergence Analysis for a Singularly Perturbed Problem Using the Forward Upwind Difference Scheme on Adaptive Meshes

    奇异摄动问题向前 差商 迎风 格式 移动网格收敛性分析

  • In 1979 . There was an area of mesoscale convergence formed by the upper outflow of the cloud cluster and the environmental flow in the upwind .

    扰动云团的高空流出气流和环境气流在云团的 上风 方向形成中尺度辐合区。

  • It was also found that the tracer concentration decayed with distance in a larger negative exponential order for the upwind direction than that for the downwind direction .

    在街谷外,除下风方路面上有一按下风距离的负幂指数衰减的浓度分布外, 上风方路面上也有一按较大负幂指数衰减的分布。

  • So the staff ordered the next mission over Cologne to make its final approach upwind .

    于是参谋部下令,接下来科隆上空的任务中,要让 飞机最后的 轰炸 航程 逆风进行。

  • Using an interpolated and a neighbor element a deferred correction approach is applied with a high polynomial interpolation for mass weighted upwind scheme .

    为此,对二维质量加权 迎风 格式,给出了一种由插值单元及其一个与插值点最靠近的相邻单元所确定的多项式插值格式迁延修正的形式。

  • For example the artificial modification of rain at New York City may suggest a seeding activity just a few miles upwind of the metropolis .

    比如说,对纽约市进行人工降雨可能意味着在该市 上风不过几英里处进行一次撒播作业。

  • The three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are discretized using finite volume method and time marching method is upwind scheme .

    并应用有限体积法对三维N-S方程进行离散,用二 迎风格式对N-S方程进行求解,同时给出了对边界条件的处理方法。

  • Horizontal upwind : The generator shaft is positioned horizontally and the wind hits the blade before the tower .

    卧式 迎风:使发电机的轴水平放置,先让风打在叶片上,之后再塔上。

  • Upwind Finite Difference Methods and Numerical Simulations for the Unsaturated Water Flow Problem

    非饱和水流问题的 迎风差分法及其数值模拟

  • A non-smoker among smokers will always be upwind .

    不吸烟的老是坐在吸烟的下 风口

  • Mary has to come about since she is sailing upwind .

    玛丽因为在逆风航行,所以 不得不 迎风

  • Stay upwind of the fumes if you can .

    可能的话,你就呆在烟雾的 上风 方向

  • The rich went to live in the west of London upwind of the smell of people and industry .

    有钱人 搬去伦敦西区住, 远离 尘世 喧嚣

  • Upwind flux difference splitting method for simulating boundary layer character


  • In this paper the discrete solution are generated by an upwind finite difference scheme and the grid is formed by equidistributing a monitor function based on arc-length .

    用等分弧长函数来控制网格剖 ,用 迎风有限差分格式来求解一类奇异摄动两点边值问题的自适应算法。

  • They may start moving upwind using optomotor stimulation and show positive anemotaxis .

    它们凭借视觉刺激,可能开始 逆风飞行,表现出正趋风性。

  • Error analysis of adaptive upwind difference method for a convection diffusion problem A Study on the Influence of Attribution Style and Coping Strategy on Social Integration Among Migrant Children

    在自适应 网格上用 迎风 格式 求解对流扩散问题的误差分析归因风格、应对方式对流动儿童社会融入的影响研究

  • The three wolves moved off upwind in a tight little group .

    那三只狼紧紧 着, 顶风 离去

  • Numerical simulation on rotor flowfield in hover based on unstructured embedded grid and upwind scheme

    基于非结构嵌套网格和 逆风格式的旋翼悬停流场数值模拟

  • On the other hand the upwind sand source supply is also a main factor influencing gobi bed arresting or transporting sands .

    而上 风向沙源的供给状况又是决定砾石床面阻沙和导沙的主要因素。

  • In this paper a class of upwind finite volume scheme is presented for one dimensional steady convection-dominated diffusion equations .

    本文针对一维定常型对流占优扩散方程提出了一类 迎风有限体积格式。

  • We 're upwind of the blast .

    我们在爆炸的 逆风 方向

  • Convection term is approximated as two-second upwind and central difference schemes .

    计算的对流项同时采用了非结构网格中的二阶 逆风 格式和二阶中心差分格式近似。

  • On modifying coefficients of first-order upwind scheme and second-order eno local lax-friedrich scheme

    一阶 迎风和二阶ENOLocalLax-Friedrich格式的修正系数研究