



  • An upsurge in interest in reading among children is preventing them from suffering accidents British researchers say .

    英国的研究者们称,孩子们读书兴趣的 高涨能让他们少出事故。

  • Along with the economic rehabilitation and development there appeared a nationwide upsurge of women stepping out of their homes to take part in social production .

    随着经济的恢复和发展,在全国范围内 兴起了妇女走出家门参加社会生产的 热潮

  • And the upsurge of the global employment enterprising research and education promote the Chinese society values enterprising education .

    席卷全球的就业与创业研究和教育的 强劲 热潮推动着中国社会重视创业教育。

  • With the participation of various forces a new upsurge of the study of Buluotuo culture is set off .

    随着各种力量的参与,布洛陀文化研究 掀起 高潮

  • The commercial operation accelerated the upsurge of Zhang Ailing but it also had the negative influence .

    张爱玲和她的作品也染上了商业气息,商业运作为 张爱玲 推波助澜,也产生了负面影响。

  • This marked a new upsurge in the struggle of the people in the area .

    这标志了这个地区人民斗争的新 高潮

  • Foreigners in Germany there have been a small upsurge in house most of the type of real estate investment business .

    外国人在德国已经出现了一个买房小 高潮,大多数是投资商务型房产。

  • The spontaneous upsurge and expansion of human horizons .

    人类见识的自动 增长和扩展。

  • These events led to a vast upsurge of anti-imperialist sentiment .

    这些事件导致反帝情绪 高涨

  • Microcomputer room : the computer maintenance staff oneself interest unprecedented upsurge !

    微机室:电脑维修人员自己的兴趣空前 高涨

  • And the awareness to this unprecedented upsurge !

    并把这一意识推向了前所未有的 高潮

  • Soon came another upsurge of the revolution .

    又一个革命 高潮很快到来了。

  • Looking at this sowing sweat Railway I feel an upsurge of emotion : the how to repay them ?

    望着这播种着汗水的铁路,我 心潮澎湃:我该怎么去回报他们呢?

  • An upsurge in economic construction is bound to be followed by an upsurge of construction in the cultural sphere .

    随着经济建设的 高潮 到来,不可避免地将要出现一个文化建设的高潮。

  • A new upsurge of construction was set off .

    建设的新 高潮被掀起来了。

  • What do you think caused the upsurge of international terrorism .

    你认为国际恐怖主义的 高涨是什么造成的。

  • A new upsurge in construction is in the making .

    一个建设的新 高潮正在兴起。

  • They noted with satisfaction the upsurge of the national liberation movement .

    他们满意地看到了民族解放运动的 高涨

  • The Olympics will create an upsurge of tourists in China .

    奥运会的举办将在中国掀起一股旅游 热潮

  • In recent years the upsurge of education industrialization has spread to all levels of china 's education particularly in the field of higher education which has brought about considerable impact on educational theory and practice .

    摘要近年来,“教育产业化”已成为一 热潮蔓延到我国各级各类教育,高等教育领域表现尤为突出,对教育理论与实践带来了很大冲击。

  • We are seeing a great upsurge of religion in the great cities of the U.S.

    目前在美国的一些大城市里,我们可以看到一种宗教的 高涨

  • When California had its power crisis there was a huge upsurge in compact fluorescent and Chinese companies began making them inexpensively .

    当了加州电力危机是一个巨大的 高潮紧凑型荧光灯,和中国公司开始使廉价。

  • The revolutionary upsurge reached its climax in bitter street fighting .

    革命的 浪潮在剧烈的巷战中达到了顶峰。

  • These new ideas gave rise to a new upsurge of national feeling .

    这些新思想引起了民族意识的新 高涨

  • This upsurge not only underpins sustainable growth in China going forward but also contributes to global rebalancing .

    这种 急速 增长不仅支持了中国未来的可持续增长,也为全球再平衡做出了贡献。

  • The reform and open policy in China has brought an upsurge in building long-span bridges and tall structures .

    摘要我国的改革开放政策带来了大跨度桥梁和高耸结构建设的 高潮

  • Going into Business in swarms represents a social upsurge after China 's implementation of the market economy .

    蜂拥经商,是中国实行市场经济后的一股社会 热潮

  • When the new year comes fire crackers and fireworks upsurge the happiness and joy of the festival .

    当新年来临时,爆竹烟花将节日的喜庆气氛 推向 高潮