valid concept

[ˈvælɪd ˈkɑnˌsɛpt][ˈvælid ˈkɔnsept]

[经] 有效的契约(合同)

  • In order to make the teacher appraisement objective fair and square valid and highly reliable the concept of appraisement must be changed and diversification of appraisement must be realized .

    为了使教师评价客观、公正、 有效,可信度大,就必须转变评价 观念和具有多样化的评价方式。

  • We believed that since the valid concept is may change then the fidelity concept is also may change .

    我们认为:既然 有效概念是可以变化的,那么保真性概念也是可以变化的。

  • This formula is no less valid in regard to the relation between individuals and the groups to which they are socially tied or if these groups are subsumed under the over-all concept or feeling of sociation in regard to the relation among individuals in general .

    这公式也 适用于被社会结合的个人之间以及团体之间的关系,如果这些团体被归入社会化的感觉会 概念中的话,也适用于一般个人间的关系。

  • Psychologically having it all is not even a valid concept .

    从心理学角度说,拥有一切甚至都不是一个有 意义 概念

  • Concept Lattice also named formal concept analysis is considered as a valid tool holding formal concept analysis .

    概念格也叫做形式概念分析,是数据分析与规则 提取的一种 有效工具。

  • Be established in the objective valid concept and the non-uniformity of Thought and Existence in Kantianism as the breakthrough point try to dig the corresponding thought resources in Marxism .

    力图以康德哲学中的客观 有效概念与思存异质性思想为突破点,发掘出马克思哲学中相应的思想资源。

  • Because perspective introjections are regarded as a kind of effective presuppose equally valid in our daily contacts as the possibility of the text interpretation and talking with others the concept of supposing others ' words real in hermeneutics is involved in .

    由于把视域的融合作为一种有效的预设,在我们的日常交往中同样 有效,作为文本解释和他人谈话的可能性条件,一种 设想他人为真的诠释学意愿涵盖其中。

  • Logical Valid Concept : One-dimensional or Multi-dimensional & Toulmin 's Logic Valid Thought Evaluation

    逻辑 有效概念:一元还是多元&图尔敏的逻辑有效性思想评析

  • But gradually I realized they had a valid belief a universal concept and I agreed with them .

    但渐渐地,我发现 村民们的信念很有 道理,我认同他们。