valence band

[ˈveləns bænd][ˈveiləns bænd]


  • The upshift of valence band edge and the downshift of conduction band edge under tensile strain are responsible for that .

    这是因为外加伸展应力使得矽的 往上移动以及导电带向下移动造成。

  • Photoelectron spectroscopy for valence band of silver and gold films on gallium arsenide

    砷化镓上银和金膜的 价带光电子谱

  • Valence band photoemission results exhibit that the surface phases are metallic .

    价带 电子 谱结果表明这两种表面相为金属性.Rb3d芯 电子能谱测量 进一步证实了表面Rb4C60和Rb5C60 吸附相的 存在

  • The effects of strain and coupling among heavy hole light hole and spin split off bands on valence band structure are discussed .

    分析了应变状态以及重轻空穴和自旋轨道分裂带相互作用 对子 结构的影响。

  • Besides doping of transition metals into makes the conduction band moving down and valence band up due to sp-d orbital hybridization coupling and then narrows bandgap .

    此外,过渡金属进入ZnO晶格中之后,由于ZnO和 金属离子的sp-d轨道杂化耦合作用,使 价带上移导带下移,从而使ZnO带隙变窄。

  • By fitting of band-to-band absorption edges the bandgap of Si conduction band to Ge valence band is acquired .

    通过对锗硅量子点和量子阱材料的光电流 间跃迁吸收边的拟合,得到了硅导带到锗 价带的能带宽度分别为1.043eV和1.050eV。

  • During the transition electrons in valence band firstly transfer to the impurity level in the low energy range and then to the conduction band inducing longer wavelength of absorbed photon redshift of the optical absorption edge and smaller energy band gap .

    价带中的电子发生跃迁时,首先会跃迁到能量相对较低的杂质能级,然后再 跃迁到导带,导致吸收光子的波长变长,吸收边红移,光学带隙变小。

  • In the band structure one band that is completely filled with electrons is termed valence band .

    在能带结构中,完全填满电子的带被称为 价带

  • The valence band maximum is a flat band ; whereas the conduction band minimum is a parabolic band .

    价带 是一条平坦的能带,而导带底为具有抛物线形状的能带。

  • The angle resolved X-ray photoelectron spectra ( ARXPS ) were used to study the initial oxidation process . In the study the U_ 4f O_ 1s and valence band XPS peaks of depleted uranium were obtained .

    采用变角度XPS(X射线光电子谱)技术研究了贫铀的初期氧化过程,获取了金属 贫铀表面U4f和O1s谱峰以及 价带的XPS谱。

  • Thus the associated electron transition among the valence band the conduction band and the gap states results in the red-shift of light absorption .

    因此,相关的 价带、导带和隙态的电子跃迁导致吸收边红移。

  • The reason is that their valence band is full of electrons which obstructs current flow .

    因为它们的 价带填满了电子,使电流无法流动。

  • The valence band mixing in quantum well the band warping and the hole gases coupling between quantum wells are investigated .

    研究了量子阱中的 价带混合、能带扭曲和阱间空穴气的耦合。

  • The experimental result show an increase of both conduction and valence band tail states .

    实验结果表明: 以后,导带尾态和 价带尾态都增加了。

  • Most optical oscillator strengths for the transitions between valence band and conduction band are nearly equal to zero .

    价带 和导带 附近的带间跃迁振子强度大部分都近乎为零;

  • Comparison of Valence Band Spectra between a Negative and a Zero Bias Applied on the Sample

    样品上加负偏压和零偏压的 价带 光电子谱之比较

  • The bent bond states mainly appear near the top of valence band .

    弯键态主要出现在 价带顶附近。

  • The interband transitions between the subbands of conduction band and valence band for the Quantum wells and superlattices of semiconducters are discussed .

    本文讨论半导体超晶格及量子阱导带和 价带的量子化亚 或子能级之间的带间光跃迁过程。

  • The highest-energy band containing electrons is called the valence band and the next higher one is the conduction band .

    填有电子而能量最高的能带称为 价带,相邻的更高能带称为导带。

  • Valence Band Studies on Pd / Compound Semiconductor Interfaces

    Pd-化合物半导体界面的 价带研究

  • Because the transition within the same conduction band ( or valence band ) between different sub-bands rely on the direction of light polarization field closely . Thus it is a main problem for this type of detector .

    由于同一导带(或 价带)内不同子带间的跃迁密切依赖于光极化场方向,因而这类探测器存在的主要问题是对垂直光入射吸收的禁戒性。

  • The valence band structure of p-type heterostructure quantum well and two-dimensional hole gas are calculated by this method and the reduced finite difference calculation .

    使用这种方法和简化的有限差分算出了p型半导体量子阱的 价带结构和二维空穴气。

  • XPS Valence Band of ZnO Films

    XPS和限表征。ZnO薄膜的XPS 价带 研究

  • It is found that in a high electric field electrons can transit from the valence band to the conduction band which is demonstrated to be Zener tunneling in organic semiconductors .

    发现在足够高的电场下, 价带中的电子可以穿过 进入导带,即有机聚合物中的齐纳隧穿现象。

  • Therefore the decrease of optical gap with doping is due to the variation of the valence band tail alone .

    掺杂对 导带 尾影响不明显,掺杂造成光隙的减少是由于 价带带尾单方面变动造成的。

  • This paper gives a simplified calculation of the valence band structure for a diamond-type crystal in nearest neighbor approximation .

    用最近邻近似法对金刚石型晶体的 价带给出了一种简化的计算法。

  • The spectra of the core level and valence band at Pt / InP Schottky contact inter-face have been measured by XPS experimental evidence of platinum phosphide for-mation at the interface has been suggested combinding AES measurement .

    用XPS测量了Pt/InP肖特基接触界面的芯态谱和 价带 ,结合AES测量,提出了在界面形成磷化铂的实验证据。

  • The energy band structure of AgBr crystal is calculated . The gap and width of valence band are derived . It is shown that AgBr crystal is an indirect-gap material .

    计算了AgBr晶体的能带结构,得出了 隙和 价带宽度,表明AgBr晶体为非直接带隙物质。

  • The band gap and the width of valence band are around 4.8 and 4.0 ?

    禁带宽度和 价带 宽度分别约为4.8和4eV。