


  • Started with RMB upvaluation and the real estate economy relations the influence for the real estate enterprise which the management brings is figured out according to the qualitative analysis of RMB upvaluation . The corresponding countermeasure is proposed .

    从人民币 升值与房地产经济的关系入手,定性分析了人民币升值后给房地产企业经营管理带来的影响,并提出了相应的对策。

  • Effects on China 's Economy Caused by the Upvaluation of RMB

    浅析人民币汇率 升值对中国经济的影响

  • The ordered and stable upvaluation possesses the benefit in several aspects .

    人民币的有序、稳步 升值具有多方面的好处。

  • The Influence Analysis on the Renminbi Exchange Rate Upvaluation to Our Country Stock Market

    由于 B股是以 外币进行交易, 因而 B股 放开 肯定 对人民币汇率 带来 一定冲击。人民币汇率 升值对我国股票市场的影响分析

  • RMB upvaluation has a great influence on foreign trade enterprise in particular production configuration foreign trade enterprise in our country which is of more advantage regarding the import enterprise but brings disadvantage for the exportation enterprise .

    人民币 升值 ,对我国外贸企业尤其是生产型外贸企业的影响很大,当然对于进口企业较有利,但给出口企业带来很多不利。

  • Because the international market favors RMB upvaluation the massive international floating capitals wells up into the Chinese market in which China ′ s real estate markets are the favorable domains . This phenomenon enables many real estate companies to obtain the massive international funds .

    由于国际市场看好人民币的 升值所以 已有大量的国际游资涌入中国市场,而这些游资进入 最多的领域就是中国的房地产市场,这样使很多的房地产公司得到了大量的国际资金。

  • Analysis on the Causes of the Upvaluation Pressure of RMB and Countermeasures

    人民币 升值压力的原因及对策分析

  • With the upvaluation of RMB strongly expected large foreign speculative fund has poured into China severely affecting the states economic and financial security .

    在人民币 升值预期强烈的情况下,大量境外投机资金进入,严重影响国家经济和金融安全。