


  • RESULTS Short term and total cure rates of esophagus varix were 80 % and 86 % respectively .

    结果 静脉 曲张近期根治率及总有效率分别为80%和 86%。

  • To improve the low limbs amyotrophy varix to keep the good states of the skeleton and joint .

    能改善下肢肌肉萎缩, 静脉 曲张,保持骨胳及关节的良好状态。

  • Below the squamous mucosa is an elongated inflamed varix . Variceal bleeding can be massive and difficult to control .

    鳞状上皮下是被拉长的炎性 静脉 曲张。静脉曲张出血量大且难以控制。

  • Perforating veins were found in 74.3 % ( 26 / 35 ) . The display rate of perforating veins increased in relation to varix form .

    26例患者 检测到穿静脉(74.3%), 曲张 静脉分级越高,穿静脉显示率越高。

  • Methods Morrhuate sodium ( concentration was 5 % ) was administered to 85 patients with esophageal varix bleeding via the above way .

    方法对85例食管 静脉 曲张出血患者在内镜 采用 改进 静脉内注射法注射5%鱼肝油酸钠进行止血治疗。

  • There were 54 cases of cavernous hemangioma 26 cases of varix 13 cases of venous hemangioma 6 cases of lymphangioma 5 cases of infantile hemangioma and 4 cases of others disorders .

    海绵状血管瘤54例, 静脉 曲张26例,静脉性血管瘤13例,婴儿型血管瘤5例,淋巴管瘤6例,其他肿瘤4例。

  • Chronic wound is often caused by diabetes varix arteritis arteriosclerosis ischemic disease and nervous system disease .

    慢性难愈创面多由糖尿病、 静脉 曲张、动脉炎、动脉硬化、缺血性疾病、神经系统疾病等引起。

  • Resembling a varix on the surface of a shell .

    螺层 隆起的象贝壳表面的 螺层的。

  • To Study on the Reasons and Preventive Measures of Varix of High Jumpers ' Taking off Legs in Cold Area

    对寒冷地区跳高运动员起跳腿 静脉 曲张产生原因及预防对策的研究

  • However it is not of valuable and perhaps will deteriorate varices if prophylactic esophagogastric devascularization was performed for these with light esophageal varices and lower portal pressure especially without a history of varix bleeding .

    而对于无出血史的轻度食道静脉曲张病例,门静脉压亦较低,预防性门奇断流术的价值不大,并可能加重食道静脉 曲张程度。

  • Portal venous flow pattern as a useful tool for predicting esophageal varix bleeding in cirrhotic patients

    肝硬化患者门静脉血流模式是预测食管 静脉 曲张出血的有效工具

  • Use of segmental electric coagulation and stripping excision in 60 cases of varix of lower limbs

    分段电凝加剥离切除治疗下肢 静脉 曲张60例分析

  • Clinical analysis of primary orbital varix

    原发性眼眶 静脉 曲张的临床分析

  • Clinical Application of Endoscopic Spray with Fibrin Glue in Non varix Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage

    内镜下喷洒生物蛋白胶治疗非 曲张 静脉性上消化道出血的临床应用

  • Diagnosis and treatment of portal vein thrombosis in patients with portal hypertension disconnection after operation Study of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt ( TIPS ) in esophageal varix with hepatic cirrhosis

    门静脉高压症断流术后门静脉血栓形成诊治分析经颈内静脉肝内门体分流术治疗肝硬化食道 静脉 曲张 出血的研究

  • Methods All 12 patiens with cirrhosis after hepatitis had portal hypertension and hemorrhage history of digestive tract . The varix was showed by gastroscopy in all cases .

    方法12例肝炎肝硬化病人均伴有不同 程度的门静脉高压及消化道出血史,全部患者行胃镜检查均有胃 静脉 曲张

  • Methods 30 cases of primary orbital varix diagnosed by clinic were analyzed retrospectively . Axial and coronal CT scan was performed in 9 patients MR imaging was performed in 21 patients 4 patients underwent both CT and MRI examination .

    方法临床诊断的30例原发性眼眶 静脉 曲张患者,9例行CT横断位和冠状位扫描,21例行MR扫描,4例行CT和MR检查。

  • Methods Percutaneous transhepatic embolization was performed in 37 cases of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding until varix thrombosed .

    方法对37例肝硬化门静脉高压症急性上消化道大出血患者行经皮经肝穿刺门静脉栓塞胃冠状静脉,至造影复查 曲张 静脉完全消失为止。

  • Ten patients suffering from chronic leg ulcers were treated with the hyperbaric oxygenation . Among them 6 cases were associated with the great saphenous varix and 4 cases were caused by injury duration of the ulcers varied from 2-30 years .

    本文报道高压氧治疗慢性小腿溃疡10例,其中,中下段大隐 静脉 曲张6例,严重外伤所致者4例;病程最短者2年,最长者30年。

  • The common diseases which can lead to extraocular muscle enlargement from high to low were thyroid associated ophthalmopathy orbital pseudotumor carotid-cavernous sinus fistulas orbital cellulitis metastatic tumors orbital varix orbital fractures and so on .

    导致眼外肌肥大的疾病按发病率由高到低依次为甲状腺相关眼病、眼眶炎性假瘤、颈动脉海绵窦瘘、眶蜂窝织炎、转移性肿瘤、 静脉 曲张、眶骨骨折等。

  • Correlation between degree of esophageal varix and portal hypertension indexes in patients with HB hepatic cirrhosis

    肝硬化患者食道 静脉 曲张程度与门静脉高压相关指标的关系

  • Infection of Incisional Wound after Operation for Recurrent Varix of Lower Limb with Ulcer

    复发性下肢 静脉 曲张 溃疡术后切口感染调查

  • MRI Expression of primary orbital varix

    眼眶 静脉 曲张MRI表现

  • Method 218 cases of primary orbital varix in 20 years were analyzed .

    方法对20年 收集的原发性眼眶 静脉 曲张 患者218例 218只眼)进行分析。