


  • However vasectomy is generally considered permanent leaving younger men with condoms as their only option .

    但与年轻人的唯一选择戴避孕套比 输精管 切除 将是永久的。

  • Vasectomy is the serious procedure .

    输精管 切除 是个很严格的程序。

  • 18 Japanese white rabbits were divided into Vasectomy Group ( VG ) and Sham Operation Group ( SOG ) .

    18只日本大耳白雄兔随机分为 输精管 结扎组(VG)和假手术组(SOG)。

  • Effect of vasectomy on testosterone receptor in rabbit prostate

    输精管 结扎对兔前列腺睾酮受体的影响

  • Objective : To observe the sperm ultrastructure in epididymis after vasectomy and their changes in semen after vasovasostomy .

    目的观察 输精管 结扎 后附睾精子和吻合术后再现精子超微结构的演变情况及其相关关系。

  • Kids dish on your secrets all the time & money religion politics even Dad 's vasectomy .

    孩子们总喜欢 提及你们的秘密&包括金钱、宗教信仰、政治观点,甚至 输精管 结扎

  • Who did you really want to get a vasectomy ?

    你到底想让谁做 输精管 切除

  • Influence of vasectomy on the volume of the prostate : an experimental study and clinical observation

    输精管 结扎对前列腺体积影响的实验研究与临床观察

  • Vasectomy is a safe effective and simple male sterilization procedure and an important contraceptive option .

    输精管 切除 是一种安全、有效、简便的男性绝育手术,也是一种重要的避孕选择。

  • The effects of long-term vasectomy on the serum testosterone testis and epididymis tissues ;

    本试验分 研究了 环境 温度 直肠 温度温和血浆睾酮水平的影响。

  • There is no advantage to performing a vasectomy instead of castration for dogs and cats .

    对猫狗而言,与阉割 比较结扎没有任何优势。

  • Patient : I want to have a vasectomy .

    病人:我想做 结扎 手术

  • You know he had a vasectomy when he was22 .

    还有,他22岁的时候 输精管 切除

  • Your vasectomy is about to beginning .

    您的 输精管 切除将要开始。

  • He doesn 't want you to get a vasectomy .

    他没有让你 结扎

  • Kindly enter for your vasectomy .

    请进去 输精管 切除

  • Now that we have completed our family my wife wants me to have a vasectomy strongly hinting that she will withdraw all sexual favours unless I comply .

    既然我们已经完成了传宗接代的 任务,我太太希望我去做 输精管 结扎 手术,并强烈暗示我,除非我照办,否则她将取消所有的性生活。

  • A study on sterilization ( vasectomy ) and mortality rate of malignant tumor


  • I don 't know that any man who is not considering a vasectomy would be willing to do something that would not be reversible she said .

    班诺 说:“我不知道那些还没有考虑 接受 输卵 切除 手术 男性是否愿意接受这样一种不可逆的 避孕方式”。

  • While women have the pill men now are limited to using condoms or having a vasectomy for contraception .

    在避孕方面,女性有 避孕药片,而男性只局限于使用避孕套或接受 输卵 切除 手术

  • Influence of vasectomy to the experimental rabbit atherosclerosis

    输精管 绝育 对实验性家兔动脉粥样硬化症的影响

  • You asked me to get a vasectomy .

    你让我去 输精管 切除

  • The operations used in humans are vasectomy in men and tubal ligation ( tying off and Blocking or cutting of the fallopian tubes ) in women .

    男子进行的手术 输精管 切除 ,女子进行的 手术 为输卵管捆扎术(捆扎或切断输卵管)。

  • Objective To determine whether vasectomy in rabbits via a ventral midline incision could reduce early post-operational complications . Posterior approach via hypogastric midline incision in repair of recurrent inguinal hernia

    目的探讨下腹正中切口兔 输精管 结扎 可否减少术后早期并发症。下腹正中小切口后入路修补腹股沟复发疝的疗效分析

  • Dynamic Changes of ABP and nuclear androgen receptor in rat testis after vasectomy

    输精管 结扎鼠睾丸ABP和核雄激素受体的动态变化研究

  • Vasectomy is the single most reliable form of birth control that exists .

    输精管 切除 是目前最值得信赖的生育控制方法。

  • Why would he want me to get a vasectomy ?

    他为什么要我 切除 输精管

  • Do the gentleman-like thing ask for the kid to be named after you write her a check for18 years of child support and get a vasectomy .

    有点绅士风度,真诚地请求让这个孩子跟你姓,给她写张支票支付孩子未来18年的抚养费,然后去 结扎 绝育 手术

  • The testicular functions and histopathology were observed in rabbits 16 months after vasectomy .


  • There have been many large epidemiological studies comparing vasectomized and nonvasectomized men and none of them have shown any health risks associated with vasectomy he says .

    “目前已经进行了很多大型的流行病学研究对输精管切除术男性同非输精管切除术男性比较,尚无确切研究表明 输精管 切除 存在任何健康风险,”他说道。