vacuum drying oven


  • Electric vacuum drying oven

    电热 恒温 真空 干燥

  • RESULTS : The content of gastrodin of Rhizoma Gastrodiae processed by vacuum freeze drying was significantly higher than that by boil with water and oven drying .

    结果:采用 真空冷冻 干燥法加工成的天麻中天麻素的含量明显高于使用传统的水煮 烘干法加工成的天麻,外观品质好。

  • After reaction ionic liquid-catalyst system can be regenerated under vacuum by drying in oven .

    反应结束后离子液体-催化剂在 真空 烘箱 干燥2h后再生。

  • METHODS : Vacuum freeze drying and oven drying were adopted . The content of gastrodin was determined by RP-HPLC .

    方法:采用RP-HPLC法测定 真空冷冻 干燥 和传统的水煮 烘干法加工后的天麻中的天麻素的含量,并比较两者的外观特征。

  • The results show that it was favourable to control molecular weight of the resulting polymer by using the vacuum drying oven under appropriate reaction conditions .

    结果表明,利用 真空 干燥 ,在适宜的反应条件下反应,有利于最终聚合物分子量的控制。

  • Minimum heating time is over 50 % less than that of traditional vacuum drying oven .

    最短加热时间,与传统 真空 干燥 相比 加热时间减少50%以上。