vacuum residuum

[ˈvækjuəm rɪˈzɪdʒuəm][ˈvækjuəm riˈzidjuəm]


  • Kazakhstan vacuum residuum ( VR ) was evaluated detailedly by supercritical fluid extraction and fractionation ( SFEF ) .

    利用超临界流体萃取分馏技术,对哈萨克斯坦 减压 渣油进行评价。

  • Study on production of paving asphalt from vacuum residue and propane deasphalt residuum of Saudi Arabian medium crude oil

    沙特中质原油 渣及其丙 沥青制取高等级道路石油沥青的研究

  • Heavy oil emulsion is produced by vacuum distillation and vacuum residuum of Fushun Petroleum Company putting Span Tween compound surfactant into it .

    以抚顺石油二厂 大庆 二线、三线抽出油和 大庆 减压 渣油原料,加以Span、Tween系列复合表面活性剂,制成乳化重油。

  • The content of Zinc in Fuyu crude oil and Daqing vacuum residuum were determined . The relative standard deviation is 2.11 % and 2.46 % respectively . The mean recovery rate of standard added is 101.96 % and 101.66 % respectively .

    测定了扶余原油和大庆 中的锌,其相对标准偏差分别为2.11%和2.46%,加标平均回收率分别为101.96%、101.66%。

  • Visbreaking of Liaohe vacuum residuum in the presence of hydrogen donor

    辽河 渣油供氢减粘裂化研究

  • The two processing schemes of high-sulfur vacuum residuum in SINOPEC Qilu Branch were compared from the viewpoint of techno-economy : one is to produce heavy asphalt through vacuum deep extraction process the other is to produce light oil products through VRDS-FCC assembled process .

    对中国石化齐鲁分公司高硫 减压 渣油两种生产方案,即减压深拔工艺生产重交沥青和VRDSFCC组合工艺生产轻质油品进行技术经济比较。

  • The vacuum residuum from Shengli crude oil was separated into six fractions using n-pentane isobutanol and isooctane as solvents .

    用正戊烷及异丁醇-异辛烷混合溶剂将胜利 减压 渣油分为六个组份。

  • Investigation of Mixed Property of Vacuum Residuum and Catalytic Cracking Decant Oil

    减压 渣油与催化油浆的混合性质研究

  • Comparison between Techno-economy of the Processing Schemes of High-sulfur Vacuum Residuum

    高硫 减压 渣油加工方案的技术经济比较

  • The effect of a new style alkali coke inhibitor on properties of the thermal reaction of the Liaohe vacuum residuum was investigated .

    考察了新型碱性阻焦剂对辽河 减压 渣油热反应性能的影响。

  • Properties of SBR modified vacuum residuum

    SBR改性 减压 渣油的性质

  • Connecting with the residue processing actuality in China two combined processing technologies are suggested to develop : ① VGO Hydrocracking Vacuum Residuum Hydrodesulfurization and Heavy oil FCC ;

    同时,结合我国目前渣油加工的现状,建议发展2条 含硫 渣油加工 路线渣油加氢处理+重油催化裂化+ 减压瓦斯油加氢裂化;

  • The thermal cracking of vacuum residuum is a complemental process for upgrading residuum under specific conditions . It is suitable for processing the residuum of high wax content crude to convert it into light products and so as to increase the profit of the refinery .

    渣油热裂化是在特定条件下,加工渣油的补充工艺,适用于加工高含蜡原油的 减压渣油,达到 重油轻质化的目的。

  • Storage Stability of SBS Modified Asphalt Based on Vacuum Distilation Residuum From Liaohe Oil Field

    辽河 为基质沥青的SBS改性沥青储存稳定性

  • Determination of residual pentane in de-oiled asphalt of Liaohe heavy crude vacuum residuum by static headspace gas chromatography

    顶空气相色谱法测定辽河稠油 减压 渣油脱油沥青中戊烷含量

  • Development of a thermal cracking process for vacuum residuum


  • Several technical measures such as applying high efficency packing instead of trays to improve the separation in vacuum distillation and using new type of feed inlet structure to decrease the entrainment and the residuum carry etc.

    采用新型的塔进料结构,减少雾沫夹带及 渣油携带,并对 减压塔进行了技术改造的计算机模拟研究。

  • Upgrading of vacuum residuum under the condition of supercritical water was studied in an autoclave reactor .

    在一个间歇釜反应器内研究了超临界水中的 减压 渣油 轻质化。

  • Because crude oil from Xinjiang has high vanadium content its atmospheric residuum and vacuum residuum shouldn 't be directly used as catalytic raw material .

    同时新疆原油钒含量高,其常压渣油和 减压 渣油 不宜直接作催化原料。