


  • Conclusion Ligation of anterior ethmoidal nerve through orbital is a efficient and feasible treatment for the patients of vasomotor rhinitis .

    结论经眶筛前神经结扎术是治疗 血管 运动鼻炎有效、可行的方法。

  • Treatment of allergic and vasomotor rhinitis by the local application of 15 % silver nitrate

    15%硝酸银鼻腔局部应用治疗变态反应性鼻炎和 血管 性鼻炎

  • Hysteria : Term formerly used in psychology to designate a neurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of psychic sensory vasomotor and visceral functions .

    歇斯底里:以前在心理学上是指一种精神官能症,表现为情绪亢奋,心理、感觉、 血管 收缩及内脏功能都发生紊乱。

  • This is important because dysfunction in vasomotor tone is thought to cause high blood pressure .

    这是重要的,因为 血管 紧张 的异常被认为是引起高血压的原因。

  • Establishment of a SD Rat Model with Vasomotor Abnormalities Induced by Dopamine and Nitroglycerin

    多巴胺、硝酸甘油诱导 血管 异常SD大鼠模型的建立

  • Vasomotor labyrinthine ischemia motor carrier road tax

    血管 运动 迷路缺血机动车运输者道路税

  • Objective : To observe the effect and postoperative reaction of YAG laser tissue coagulation treatment in patients with vasomotor rhinitis .

    目的:观察YAG激光组织凝固治疗 血管 运动鼻炎的效果和术后反应。

  • Paroxysmal apnea and vasomotor instability following medullary infarction

    延髓梗死后的发作性呼吸暂停和 血管 不稳定

  • The Different Vasomotor of Pulmonary and Tail Arteries from Two Pulmonary Hypertension Rat Models and in vitro Drug Intervention

    两种肺动脉高压模型大鼠肺动脉和尾动脉 血管活性 变化及药物体外干预

  • Conclusion : BTA can induce the degeneration of glandular cells in nasal mucosa and thus obviously relieve over rhinorrhea of patients with vasomotor rhinitis . No other complications were found .

    结论:BTA可引起鼻黏膜腺细胞变性,明显减轻 血管 运动 鼻炎鼻溢液亢进的症状12例患者有一过 鼻干 注射 当天鼻溢液加重,无其他并发症。

  • Objective : To investigate the effect and mechanisms of botulinum toxin type A ( BTA ) on vasomotor rhinitis .

    目的:探讨A型肉毒杆菌毒素(BTA) 治疗 血管 运动 鼻炎的作用及机制。

  • Conclusion Migraine attack repeatedly might have a close relationship with myelinopathy and the probable mechanism may be owed to abnormal cerebral vasomotor function .

    结论反复偏头痛发作可能同脑白质变性具有相关性,其形成机制可能与脑 血管 功能异常等有关。

  • Clinical Study of Insomnia with Electro-acupuncture on Vasomotor Area

    电针 血管 区治疗失眠症的临床研究

  • The roles of three peptides in the pathogenesis of vasomotor rhinitis

    3种神经肽在 血管 运动鼻炎发病中的作用

  • Diffuse brain swelling ( DBS ) occurred by primary hypothalamus and vasomotor center of brain stem damaged is a special type .

    外伤导致原发性下丘脑和脑干 血管 运动中枢受损所致的弥漫性脑肿胀属于弥漫性 损伤的特殊类型。

  • A preliminary analysis on surgical treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in cacoplastic nose

    血管 运动鼻炎合并鼻结构异常手术治疗的初步分析

  • AIM To investigate the special changes in resistance vessel reactivity to vasomotor stimuli and analyze the effect and concerned mechanism of tetrandrine on those changes in renovascular hypertensive ( RH ) rats .

    目的探讨肾血管性高血压(RH)大鼠阻力 血管重构时 功能变化特点,分析粉防己碱的影响与机制。

  • These results disclosed that vasomotor paralysis caused by damage and edema of brain stem and hypothalamus to increase cerebral blood volume was responsible for the pathophysiological basis of acute bbe .

    结论、脑干和下丘脑损伤而致脑 血管麻痹性扩张,脑血容量增多即脑肿胀是急性脑肿大的主要病理生理基础。

  • Hormone treatment typically consists of androgen deprivation therapy and consequences of such therapy may include vasomotor flushing anemia and bone density loss .

    典型的激素疗法包括雄激素去势疗法,这些治疗可能导致 血管 收缩 所致 颜面发红,贫血和骨密度丢失。

  • It is generally recognized by physiologists that in the research of Bernard in the digestion of pancreas glucogenesis in the liver and the vasomotor mechanism and the mechanism of action of curari and carbon monoxide were all at the lead .

    生理学家公认伯尔纳在胰腺的消化功能、肝脏的糖元生成功能、 血管 运动机制、箭毒和一氧化碳等毒物作用机制的研究方面都处于当时的领先地位。

  • A clinic observation on YAG tissue laser coagulation therapy in patients with vasomotor rhinitis

    YAG激光组织凝固术治疗 血管 运动性鼻炎的临床观察

  • The influence of botulinum toxin type A on vasomotor rhinitis and morphological study

    A型肉毒杆菌毒素对 血管 运动性鼻炎的作用及组织形态学影响

  • The level of hormone disorder caused vasomotor disorders .

    ()激素水平紊乱,引起 血管 失常。

  • Objective To research an effective method of the operation treatment for vasomotor rhinitis .

    研究目的探讨 血管 运动鼻炎手术治疗的有效方法。