


  • Study on Effects of Ginkgo Biloba Extract on Vasodilative Factors in Hepatopulmonary Syndrome in Rats

    银杏叶提取物对肝肺综合征大鼠 血管 扩张因子的影响

  • P-substance has strong vasodilative activity and is involved in the sensation of the skin to traumatic stimulation and the modulation of local vascular function .

    P物质具有强大的 血管 扩张活性,其参与皮肤伤害性刺激的感受与局部血管功能的调节。

  • Comparison of the vasodilative effects of verapamil forskolin and cromakalim on isolated rabbit aorta precontracted by high K ~ + and noradrenaline

    维拉帕米、福司考林和 克罗马卡林对高K~+及去甲肾上腺素预收缩 血管 舒张作用的比较

  • Methods The vasodilative effect of the drug was studied with the guinea pig mesenteric microvasculature and isolated rat aortic rings .

    方法采用豚鼠肠系膜微血管和大鼠体外主动脉环研究 活血 浸膏 舒张 血管作用;

  • The vasodilative effects between group A1 and B1 or group A2 and B2 were not different significantly .

    2 米力农对A1组与B1组、A2组与B2组,其 血管 舒张作用无显著差异;

  • The Vasodilative Effect of Cultured Cordyceps sinensis ( Berk ) Sacc . Mycelia in Anesthetized Dogs

    人工培养虫草菌菌丝体对麻醉犬 血管 扩张作用

  • Methods : Using Nimodipine as the control with an open randomized control test to study the vasodilative and neuroprotective function of fasudil .

    方法:采用随机开放 阳性药物尼莫地平( Nimodipine)对照试验,探讨盐酸法舒地尔的疗效。

  • Vasoactive peptides can regulate the vasoconstrictive and vasodilative function .

    血管活性肽调整血管的 缩功能。

  • Objective To observe the vasodilative effects of YM01 a derivative of Naftopidil ( NAF ) in spiral strips of rabbit aorta and evaluate the potential availability of YM01 as new drug .

    目的本实验旨在观察萘哌地尔衍生物YM01的 血管作用,评价其心血管的药理活性。

  • The reduction of the carbonyl group on haloperidol to hydroxyl group has almost no effect on its vasodilative activity .

    氟哌啶醇母体上羰基被还原为羟基一般对其 血管活性影响不大。

  • Experiment study on vasodilative effects of amentoflavone ethyl acetate extract of selaginella tamariscina

    卷柏穗花杉双黄酮的 舒张 血管作用实验研究柏瑞- 奥赛特气体分析器

  • This study suggests that long term residing at high altitude results in an increase in cerebral vasodilative response and a decrease in pulmonary vasoconstrictive response to acute hypoxia .

    结果提示:高原移居平原 平原 相比,脑 血管缺氧性 扩张反应较强,而肺血管缺氧性收缩反应较弱。

  • Studies on synthesis of quaternary ammonium salt derivatives of haloperidol and their vasodilative activities

    氟哌啶醇季铵盐衍生物的合成及其 血管活性

  • Vasodilative effect of batroxobin and its possible mechanism

    巴曲酶的 血管作用及其机制探讨

  • Vasodilative mechanism of protopine in rabbit aorta

    普鲁托品对家兔主动脉 血管作用的机理

  • Natriuretic peptides ( NPs ) are a family of polypeptides possessing natriuretic diuretic vasodilative and anti-proliferation actions .

    钠尿肽(natriureticpeptides,NPs)是一组具有利钠、利尿、 血管和抗细胞增殖效应的多肽,具有抗心力衰竭、 心肌 肥厚和移植 血管 狭窄 重要作用。

  • Vasodilative effects of the Acanthopanax water extract on thoracic aorta of rats in vitro

    刺五加水提取物对大鼠离体动脉血管的 舒张作用