Vat Dark Blue BO

[化] 还原深蓝BO

  • Modified processes were performed on vat dark blue BO .

    还原 深蓝 BO进行 磺化改性处理 引入 磺酸 使成为双亲性 化合物

  • The molecular structure of modified vat dark blue BO was characterized by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ( FTIR ) . The property of its aqueous solutions and solid polarizing film was investigated by micropolariscope and UV-vis spectrophotometer .

    用红外光谱对改性后的 还原 深蓝 BO分子的结构进行表征,用偏光显微镜、紫外可见分光光度计研究其水溶液及其固态偏振薄膜的性质。