vector addition

[ˈvɛktɚ əˈdɪʃən][ˈvektə əˈdiʃən]


  • Taking horse as a vector game also develops somewhat in addition to racing horse and polo horsemanship and archery .

    以马为 载体的比赛也相应地有所发展, 竞速赛马外还有马球、骑射等。

  • Using the Matlab software the simulation model for PMSM vector control system is established . In addition the comparative study of the PI controller and sliding mode controller are carried out .

    在Matlab仿真平台下建立了永磁同步电动机 矢量控制系统的仿真模型,并在此 基础上进行PID控制器和滑模变结构控制器的对比仿真分析,及死区效应补偿方法仿真分析。

  • In the design of optimal guidance law the minimum of missile energy loss and miss distance is required while the nonlinear character of the thruster vector control is considered . In addition fuzzy learning rules are presented to improve the learning ability of the neural networks system .

    在制导律设计时不仅要求导弹能量最省,脱靶量最小,同时考虑了推力 矢量控制的非线性特点, 并且为改善该神经网络系统的学习效果,在学习算法中 引入模糊学习规则。

  • In this paper we introduce a method of accomplishing a geographic information system vector graph editing component . In addition we dissertate the design of the classes in the system and the key technology of realization .

    本文介绍了一种GIS 矢量图形编辑组件的实现方法, 对系统中类的设计和实现的关键技术进行了论述。

  • The decision circuit of the chip is applied with a DFF using SCFL structure and its tuned phase shifter with differential current amplifiers according to the principle of vector addition .

    该芯片的判决电路采用SCFL(源级耦合晶体管逻辑)的D触发器结构,根据 矢量 叠加原理设计,采用差动电流放大器构成可调移相器。

  • An Object Orientation Estimation Method Based on Vector Addition

    一种基于 矢量 合成的目标方位特征估计方法

  • It should be clear that vector addition is commutative .

    可清楚地看0剑0 矢量 加法满足对易律。

  • The performance of the vector modulator is proved by experimental results . In addition applications of the vector modulator in practical systems such as adaptive antenna array are presented with its calibration method to improve carrier and sideband suppression .

    最后给出了 矢量调制器的测试结果和它在自适应天线阵等实际系统中的应用情况, 讨论了用于提高载波和边带抑制、满足高精度要求的校准方法。

  • According to vector addition and the theories of Helmholtz coils generate uniform magnetic field three axes orthogonal square coil system applied alternating current provides uniform rotating magnetic field .

    根据空间磁 矢量 叠加原理,提出以三轴方形正交亥姆霍兹线圈叠加产生均匀空间万向旋转磁场的技术方案。

  • This paper gave a detailed description about the application in equipment diagnosis of coating line with principal component analysis and support vector machine . In addition the monitoring and intelligent diagnostic system in automobile coating line was designed under the circumstance of virtual instrument .

    本文详细研究了主成分分析法和支持 向量机在涂装线设备诊断中的应用, 结合虚拟仪器进行了涂装线设备监控与智能诊断系统的设计。

  • Under the condition of plane wave incidence and two-dimensional particle vibration AAEF describes both phase interference and vector addition of a sound field by only using its phase .

    在平面波和二维质点振速条件下,解析声能流将矢量 叠加统一描述在它的相位中,从而可以综合描述声场的相位干涉和 矢量 结构

  • Based on the character of the vector processing and the proper arithmetic algorithm modular addition and subtraction modular multiplication modular inversion reconfigurable cipher processing units are presented in the paper .

    本文根据专用指令设计的要求,结合 向量处理的特点,选择了合适的有限域运算算法,对模 加减、模乘、模逆等功能单元进行了可重构设计。

  • The obtained velocity vector distribution in the measured plane coincided with the flow visualization results under the same test condition . In addition these vortex flow field was analysed .

    流场横截面内的速度 矢量分布与相同实验条件下的流态显示结果相符合, 对涡流场加以分析。

  • Algorithm For Induct And Interception Based on Vector Addition Guiding Skill

    基于 矢量 加法的引导拦截解算

  • The concept of reference plane is introduced with the model of normal vector sphere for 3D objects the convex polygons in 3D space are divided into two parts by the reference plane and morphologic addition of each corresponding part is calculated .

    参考平面将三维空间的 多边形分解成两部分,分别计算对应的两部分的形态和, 去掉重复边和面。

  • The proposed strategy generates a voltage vector across the load with minimum error with respect to the sinusoidal reference based on the space vector theory . In addition it generates almost sinusoidal voltages with nearly fundamental switching frequency .

    这种方法基于空间 矢量理论确定与参考电压矢量误差最小的电压矢量,它能够在接近 基频的开关频率下输出接近正弦波的电压。

  • Fast approaching sparse least squares support vector machine is an improvement of support vector machine ( SVM ) . In addition to its inherited least squares support vector machines ( LS-SVM ) advantages but also with the sparsity .

    快速稀疏逼近最小二乘支持向量机是支持 向量机(SVM)的改进, 除了它继承了最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)的优点外,还具备了稀疏性。

  • In the two-axis mixed sequential vector movement control functional module in addition to defining the speed and acceleration of movement the user can also define the original position of every section of mixed movement .

    在两轴混合 向量运动功能模块里,用户 除了可以指定运动的速度、加速度 ,还可以定义每一段混合运动的起始位置。

  • This tests your knowledge of the principles of vector addition and the summation of forces around a point .

    这个测试你对 向量 加法原理及作用于同一点的外力总合的认知。

  • In software design system developing environment is CCS 3.1 and speech characteristic vector is Mel frequency cepstrum coeficient . In addition Mel frequency cepstrum coeficient is used for pattern matching and training . All these finish speech recognition .

    在软件开发上,开发环境采用 CCS3.1,语音特征 向量采用美尔频率倒谱系数,模式匹配和训练采用隐马尔可夫模型,实现了语音指令的识别。