vector model

[ˈvɛktɚ ˈmɑdl][ˈvektə ˈmɔdəl]


  • By means of the kinetic vector model of mobile station and the location error model of CDMA and GPS the location state function of CDMA and GPS is founded . The model and algorithm of data fusion is deduced .

    借助移动目标的运动 矢量 模型、CDMA定位误差模型、GPS定位误差模型建立了CDMA和GPS定位状态方程,给出了数据融合的数学模型和融合算法。

  • A New Method for Induction Motor Space Vector Model with Transient Saturation Based on Magnetization Curve

    基于磁化曲线 分析瞬态饱和的异步电机空间 矢量的新方法

  • Optimized Discrete Vector Model of NC Machining Simulation

    数控加工仿真中的优化离散 矢量 模型

  • A Vector Model of Approximate Reasoning

    近似推理的 向量 模型

  • Space Vector Model and dq Equivalent Model of the Brushless Doubly-Fed Reluctance Machine

    磁阻型转子无刷双馈电机的空间 矢量 模型和dq等效模型

  • In this paper the nonlinear effect in transverse Zeeman laser has been studied by using Lamb 's semiclassical theory and vector model . The physical explanations of the nonlinear effect in σ and π light and of the beat wave deformation are given .

    本文应用Lamb半经典理论和 矢量 模型,研究了横向Zeeman激光器的非线性混频效应,给出了σ光、π光拍频波形发生畸变的物理原因。

  • Resolutions are given for application of the advantages of vector model grid model and complex shortcut analysis involved in the system .

    对系统涉及到的利用 矢量 模型与栅格模型的优点以及复杂性最短路径分析,提出了解决方法。

  • Firstly in allusion to the difficulty of integrating different data models in integrating spatial information the characteristic of raster model vector model and mixed model is analyzed and then a hierarchical full feature model that the vector and the raster are incorporate is put forward .

    首先针对空间信息网络集成中多数据模型集成的问题,分析了栅格、 矢量和混合数据 模型的特点,然后提出了一种按层次的矢量栅格一体化全要素模型。

  • The Bloch vector model is used to discuss the quantum characters of mixed state of one atom .

    同时采用Bloch 矢量 模型讨论了单原子一般二项式态的量子特性。

  • Weighted Trust Vector Model for P2P Network Based on Hybrid Structure

    基于加权信任 向量的混合结构式P2P网络信任 模型

  • This paper analyzed the spatial characteristics of tree-like river networks and built vector model based on graph theory .

    以树状河系为研究对象,分析其空间特征,建立基于图论的水系网 矢量 模型

  • This paper introduces simply three models of information filtering : space vector model boolean logical model probabilistic inferential model .

    该文简单地介绍了信息过滤中常用的三种模型: 向量空间 模型、布尔逻辑模型和概率推理模型;

  • Research of Chinese Names Identification Based on Class Vector Model

    基于类 向量 模型的中文姓名识别研究

  • This paper explores the suitability of second-order polarizability vector model which was proposed by us for the organometallic complexes .

    本文主要对我们原先提出的二次极化率 矢量 模型在金属有机配合物中的适用性进行探讨。

  • A Triple Vector Model of Corporate Performance Evaluation Based on Sustainable Development

    基于可持续发展的三重企业绩效 矢量评价 模型

  • The characteristic vector model for the website subject was established by extracting text information about website content and structure features based on the vector space model .

    在向量空间模型的基础上,抽取反映网站结构和内容的文本特征信息,建立网站主题的特征 向量 模型

  • Plane wave method and a full vector model based on supercell lattice method are applied for modeling photonic crystal fibers .

    本文应用平面波法和光子晶体光纤(PCF)的全 矢量超格子叠加 模型,分析了光子晶体光纤的 模式及二次模截止特性。

  • In this paper authors analyze the characteristic delimitation of the N-level vector model and topic-specific tree model and propose a novel kind of topic-specific retrieval algorithm based on the two models .

    本文在N层 向量 空间 模型和主题树模型的基础上,通过分析两个模型的分层特性,提出了一种Web主题检索算法。

  • A quantitative description of photon-echo is obtained by solving the two-level-atom system Bloch equation and the results obtained are discussed Some uncertainties in the previous descriptions of photon-echo using R vector model in some literature have also been mentioned .

    本文通过求解二能级原子系统的Bloch方程,对光子回波做出了定量的描述,并对所得到的结果进行了讨论,指出了以往有些文献中用R 矢量 模型解释光子回波现象中的不确切之处。

  • This paper presented an approach for Chinese names identification based on class vector model .

    提出了一种基于类 向量 模型的中文姓名识别方法。

  • In this paper a saturation space vector model of induction machine is presented .

    提出了一种用综合 矢量 表示并考虑了主磁路 瞬态饱和时的感应电机 数学模型。

  • Discrete vector model was used to realize NC machining simulation .

    本文采用离散 矢量 模型建立了数控加工仿真系统,并阐述了它的原理。

  • A vector model of rock-bit interaction is developed by accounting for the anisotropic drilling characteristics of both the formation and the bit .

    综合考虑地层和钻头的各向异性钻井特性,建立了钻头与地层相互作用的一个 矢量 模型

  • Being based on this the paper provides a vector model for the market forces ( dynamic model ) .

    本文还提出了一个市场推动力 矢量 模型(动力模型)。

  • The vector model of the orthogonal turn-milling movement is founded through the analysis of the vector and on the basis of this the vector expression of describing orthogonal turn-milling movement is given .

    通过矢量分析,建立了正交车铣运动的 矢量 模型,并在此基础上给出了描述正交车铣运动的矢量表达式。

  • The two-photon vector model is established and applied to the analyses .

    在分析过程中建立和运用了双光子 矢量 模型

  • The simple data structure of vector model is introduced using the ORACLE SPATIAL as an example .

    在该部分,以Oraclespatial为例,讨论了 矢量 数据 模型的简单数据结构;

  • This paper introduces the design of doubly-fed system according to the characteristics of induction motor and pump . Cycloconverter and vector model of stator flux orientation were used to enable speed and power factor control . This system has been experimented in pumping station .

    本文介绍了针对泵站电机和水泵特性的双馈调速系统设计,系统采用按定子磁链定向的 矢量 控制技术和交-交变频器实现电机转速和功率因数控制,并在泵站现场进行了试验运行。

  • This paper study systematically text automatic categorization from three ways including vector model representation feature selection and classifier training .

    本文从文本的 向量 模型表示,特征选择和分类器训练这三个步骤较系统地研究了文本自动分类。