utilized cost


  • To cope with induced delay packet dropout and disordered piecewise constant states feedback controller is still utilized . The optimal guaranteed cost controller is obtained by a standard optimal problem .

    考虑到网路诱导时延、数据包丢失和时序错乱问题,仍然 采用了分段常值的状态反馈控制器,通过建立一个标准的最优化问题给出了最优 性能控制器的求解方法。

  • However the services on the cloud can instantly be implemented and utilized while remaining elastic especially in cost .

    而“云端”服务则可以立刻执行, 投入 使用,同时尤其有助于保持 成本弹性。

  • If the current network equipment resources and frequency resources can be fully utilized and the enterprise best benefits are won then the cost of the network operation can be reduced and the useful ratio of equipment can be raised .

    若能充分 利用好现有网络的设备资源和频率资源,获取企业最佳效益,可降低网络运营 成本,提高设备利用率。

  • Direct casting mold manufacturing based on micro-drop jetting technology is analyzed which is utilized for wide precision and dimension of mold manufacturing . The cost of this method is low and the efficiency of its using energy is high .

    对基于微滴喷射快速成形技术直接制造铸型的方法进行了分析,该方法 用于铸型制造的精度和尺度范围均较宽, 成本低、能量利用率高。

  • In addition due to the lack of the abrasive water jet cutting mechanism of the in-depth study The introduction of equipment performance has not been fully utilized . Abrasive Water Jet Machining product quality efficiency and cost with a considerable gap between the developed countries .

    此外由于缺少对磨料水射流切割机理的深入研究,引进设备的性能没有得到充分 利用,加工产品的质量、效率及 成本都与发达国家有相当大的差距。

  • The waste water of ion exchange condensate and circulating water of evaporation and the tail gas waste heat of rotary kiln are sufficiently and effectively utilized . The consumption of energy and water and the cost of operation are greatly reduced . 4 .

    充分、有效地 利用离子交换过程的工艺水,蒸发回收冷凝水,蒸发系统循环水,回收转窑的尾气余热,降低能源消耗和节约水资源,大大减少了运行辅助 费用

  • But China 's coke enterprises should be learn advanced management technology to structure business process ( BPR business process re-engineering ) utilized cost advantage to develop coke and chemicals export to take up international market and sustainable development for China 's coke enterprises .

    但企业必须学习先进的管理方法,通过流程再造, 利用已经具有的比较 成本优势,积极开展出口贸易,参与国际竞争,使企业建立起核心竞争力,保证企业持续稳定的发展。

  • Multi-domain mapping theory is utilized to implement mapping from mould features in various stage to cost feature field and build the corresponding mapping table .

    利用多域映射理论实现了不同阶段模具特征向 成本特征域的映射,建立相应的特征映射表。

  • As the years go by these services are utilized by the business and the cost of the plant asset gradually is transferred to depreciation expense .

    随时间的推移,这些 预购服务被企业 用尽,长期资产的 成本也逐渐转移到折旧费用中。

  • Economic monitoring and early-warning theory is utilized to study oil-gas operating cost monitoring and prediction system .

    运用经济监测预警理论对油气操作 成本监测与预警系统进行研究。

  • The whitepaper defines business architecture as a mechanism for defining how strategy processes business structure and staff can be best utilized to deliver reliable and cost effective operations .

    白皮书把业务架构定义成能够更好地将战略、流程、业务结构和人员 利用 起来从而交付可靠且 经济的企业运作的一种机制。

  • Applying the theory of Grid to CSCD ( computer supported collaborative design ) many kinds of existed design resources can be utilized completely the cost of exploring of products and the trading-period can be decreased quality of products can be improved .

    将计算网格理论应用到计算机协同设计中能够充分 利用各种已经存在的设计资源,降低 成本,提高产品质量,缩短产品交易期。

  • Ultra low volume sprayers have been developed since 1978 . There has been a lack of study on spraying functions of sprayer previously . Pesticide is utilized inefficiently Which has caused environment pollution and increased cost .

    我区从上个世纪70年末开始研制超低量喷雾机,由于以前忽视了对喷雾机的喷雾性能的研究,因此,农药的 有效 利用率很低,引起了环境污染和 成本增加。

  • In the industrial process manufacturing carbon monoxide from water gas if hydrogen can 't be fully utilized the production cost will be increased .

    对于以水煤气为原料提取CO的工艺,如果氢气未能充分 利用,则提高了CO生产 成本

  • The spectrometric method or TLC method was utilized for samples requiring fast detection so as to save time and cost and the HPLC method was adopted for samples needed accurate results so as to guarantee the results ' reliability .

    对于要求结果精确的样品可 采用HPLC方法 以保证结果的可靠性。

  • For management mode of reorganized enterprises client / server computer network system is built up to realize information integration and management so that computer resources may be utilized fully and enterprise reorganized at low cost .

    针对企业经重组后的管理模式,构造客户机/服务器计算机网络系统,进行信息集成和管理,充分 利用企业现有计算机资源,对企业进行低 成本改造。

  • ABC-method is utilized to ascertain the key objects of oil-gas operating cost control projects .

    本文具体思路如下:1、 运用ABC 方法,确定油气操作 成本项目中的重点控制对象;

  • When the dibbler for the paddy field is used the labor intensity can be reduced the utilized land is saved the production is increased and the production cost is reduced .

    使用水田点播机可降低劳动强度,节约 地,提高产量,减少生产 成本

  • This technology is simple and versatile that can be utilized to fabricate high EO coefficient devices which can decrease fabrication cost and realize higher integration level of all fiber devices .

    该技术具有简单、灵活的特点,可以 用来制作高电光系数器件,降低制作 成本,并能进一步提高全光纤器件的集成度。

  • Because the VoIP technology can realize multimedia transferring like real-time voice over IP network it has many advantages such as narrow bandwidth occupied high efficiencies of resource utilized and low cost .

    由于其利用IP网络进行实时的语音等多媒体信息传输,具有所需带宽小、资源 利用率高以及 成本低廉等诸多优点,因此在全球 得到广泛 应用

  • The utilized core algorithm as well as structure determines the scaling performance and the cost of chip design .

    采用的核心算法以及 使用的结构设计决定着缩放性能的优劣,也是控制芯片 成本的关键。

  • DEA-theory is utilized to evaluate the validity of operating cost control projects and ascertain operating target cost of relatively effective years in oil-gas sections .

    运用DEA原理对油气区块操作 成本项目进行有效性评价,确定区块相对有效年度的操作目标成本;

  • The approach of case-based reasoning is utilized in the Cost Estimation for Plastic Injection Molded parts A CBR model for system Cost Estimation is set up .

    将基于实例的推理 应用于注塑模具 成本估算,构建了系统成本估算的CBR模型。

  • Technical and economic analysis show that due to the large number of of industrial waste residue is utilized it not only can reduce the raw material cost but also can enjoy preferential tax policies of country thus it can achieve remarkable economic benefits .

    技术经济分析表明,由于大量 利用工业废渣,除原料 成本降低外,还可享受国家税收优惠政策,因而也可取得显著的经济效益。

  • As the pole is made of metallic foil the disused scraps can be fully utilized and the cost is not increased .

    金属箔是电极生产的原材料,使废弃的边脚料得到了充分的 利用,不增加任何 成本

  • This text has utilized DEA method to carry on the measurement of cost efficiency to 14 commercial banks selected from 2001 to 2004 on the basis of cost efficiency resolve it into technological efficiency and allocative efficiency further ;

    本文 利用了DEA方法对所选的14家商业银行2001年至2004年进行 成本效率的测量,并在成本效率的基础上,将其进一步分解为技术效率和配置效率;

  • A variational inequality approach is utilized to study traffic network equilibrium problem with non-additive path cost . An equivalent variational inequality model is presented which includes the existing additive models as its special case .

    利用变分不等式方法研究了非可加路径 费用的交通网络平衡问题,给出了与平衡条件等价的变分不等式模型,它包含了可加路径 费用的网络平衡模型。

  • Unmanned platforms can be utilized repeatedly to reduce the cost and the casualty rate and improve the mobile performance .

    无人平台可以降低 成本、减小人员伤亡率、提高机动性能且可被重复 使用

  • With the increasing negative effect of antibiotics the microbial ecological agents have received considerable attention in recent years and it has been utilized as an antibacterial product after antibiotics . However the high cost of lactic acid bacteria culture prevents its utilizing .

    随着抗生素带来负面效应的加剧及人们对微生态制剂认识的加深, 乳酸菌制剂作为继抗生素之后的又一抗菌产品备受关注,但乳酸菌的培养 成本过高。

  • Some efficient measures is provided and utilized in determination of target cost of cost control management for residential project of A company in the future which is the explore of intensive management of cost control .

    为A公司今后住宅项目目标 成本确定的成本控制管理 工作提供了一些有效的途径,也希望能为今后成本控制的精细化管理之路作一些探索。