
  • After cloning the source VM VDM collects all configuration data archives it into an ISO file and then copies it to the target location of the cloned VM .

    在复制源VM之后, VDM将收集所有配置数据,将其存档到ISO文件中,然后将该文件复制到复制的VM的目标位置中。

  • The regression equations between Vdm and the main properties of the rocks have been made up for predicting rock drillability in the light of these factors having precision of about 80 % .

    BCM& 微机上,对其 数据进行了 数理 统计,建立了以岩石 硬度、研磨性和塑性系数为主因子的岩石可钻性预测方程,方程的预估精度达80%左右。

  • Every set of the VDM equipment has unique IP address in the local area network which can be recognized and parallel controlled by the computer .

    每台 VDM在局域网中都有独立的IP地址,实现了 VDM设备的地址识别与联网控制。

  • For model-based object-oriented formal specifications ( such as Object-Z VDM + + specifications ) those methods are very hard to be applied .

    但是对于基于模型的面向对象形式规格说明(如:Obiect-Z、 VDM++规格说明)应用这些构造测试用例的技术非常困难。

  • A new CD-ROM will be created for the cloned VM to mount the VM configuration CD and the VDM will search the IDE buses ( first then SCSI buses ) of the VM to find an idle bus for the CD-ROM.

    将为已复制的VM创建一个新CD-ROM以装入VM配置CD,并且 VDM将搜索VM的IDE总线(先搜索IDE总线,再搜索SCSI总线)以为CD-ROM查找一个空闲总线。

  • The VDM provides three deployment options


  • As you can see the VDM consists of three parts

    正如您所见, VDM包含三个部分

  • There is still the question of communication across European borders though Ralf Schmitz of the VDM reckons his bush telegraph will alert traders in German-speaking countries to a new heist within an hour of its discovery .

    欧洲各边境间的沟通依旧是个问题,尽管 vdm的拉尔夫施密茨认为, 协会 可以在新盗窃案案发一小时内,通知德语国家的交易商们提高警惕,这 或许 可以 实现

  • Comparison of Z and VDM with B

    B 语言 方法与Z、 VDM的比较

  • The paper proposeds one development method based on RUP and VDM + + . An experiment on one tally software system also been done and the experimental result proves that this method is feasible and effective .

    该文将较为直观地统一软件过程和 VDM++形式 方法结合在一起,提出了一种软件形式 开发方法,并通过开发一个实际的文件 设备记账系统说明了该方法的可行性与有效性。

  • The CD is simulated by an ISO file generated by the VDM according to the VM deployment task and will be mounted to a virtual CD-ROM so it can hold far more data than a floppy disk .

    该CD是由 VDM所生成的ISO文件根据VM部署任务模拟的,并且将被装入虚拟光驱,这样它可以比软盘保存更多的数据。

  • This paper introduces a formalized analysis method for software development : Vienna Development Method ( VDM ) .

    介绍了软件开发方法中的一种形式化分析方法:Viennadevelopmentmethod( VDM)。

  • When deploying the network configuration information will be collected by VDM and will be saved to the VM configuration ISO file so the information can be accessed when the VM starts .

    在部署时,网络配置信息将由 VDM来收集,并被保存到VM配置ISO文件中,以便在VM启动时可以访问这些信息。

  • You can also list all the VM deployment tasks in the task list file and ask the VDM to process all the tasks in that list sequentially .

    您还可以列出任务列表文件中的所有VM部署任务,并要求 VDM按顺序处理该列表中的所有任务。

  • Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum alloys are Nickel based alloys mainly including Hastelloy C series alloys . This kind of alloys also includes Haynes 625 Inconel 686 VDM 59 and others .

    Ni-Cr-Mo合金是以HastelloyC系列合金为主的镍基合金,这类合金还包括Haynes625、Inconel686、 VDM59等。

  • To register a VM to VM hypervisor server and start it the VDM needs the support of some VM hypervisor utilities .

    要在VM管理程序服务器中注册VM并启动该VM, VDM需要支持一些VM管理程序工具。

  • All VTD files are stored in the vtds folder of the VDM .

    所有VTD文件都存储在 VDM的vtds文件夹中。

  • The VM configuration CD is a very important component of the automatic VM deployment solution because it contains both configuration data from the VDM and users .

    VM配置CD是自动化VM部署解决方案的最重要组件,因为它包含来自 VDM和用户的配置数据。

  • VDM finds the corresponding VM template by going though the directory containing VTD files and cloning the VM template to the destination specified in the deployment task file .


  • However to register and start the new VM the server installed VDM should have some VM hypervisor utilities installed .

    但是,要注册并启动新VM,安装了 VDM的服务器应当安装一些VM管理程序工具。

  • The VDM Engine the core of the VDM .


  • VDM reads in the VM deployment task .


  • Some methods for dividing continuous attributes in KDD ( knowledge discovery in database ) and a method based on VDM ( value difference metric ) are presented .

    介绍了在数据库知识发现(KDD)中将连续属性 离散 的一些方法,并提出 使用值差分度量离散 的算法。

  • We especially did the data visualization ( DV ) analysis and visual data mining ( VDM ) on data related to fatigue life in detail in the paper .

    在此基础上,特别对疲劳分析的相关数据进行了 可视化分析和数据挖掘。

  • In this paper the contrasts between VDM and Z are presented by means of a relative database specification . The main features of these specification languages are discussed in detail .

    本文以关系数据库的规范为 ,详细讨论了两种重要的规范描述语言 VDM和Z的主要区别,对它们的共性和 发展 也作了简单介绍。

  • VDM is used in calculating distance of continuous attributes and in continuous attribute discretion and has a good effect .

    分度量算法 原本是用于计算离散属性值间的距离,但 实际 上将 这种方法 反过来用于连续属性的离散化也可以有相当好的效果。

  • VDM Algorithm in the Application of Data Mining
