


  • The mechanism and prevention of women pole - vaulter 's waist injury

    女子撑竿 跳高 运动员腰部损伤的机理和预防

  • Kinematics Technique Analysis of Chinese Female Pole Vaulter s

    我国女子 撑竿 跳高技术的运动学分析

  • For this reason it is the natural goal to establish the index system of Chinese elite men pole vaulter 's special ability and its evaluation standards and it is also an important measure to promote motion level of men pole vault in our country .

    因此,建立我国优秀男子 撑竿 跳高 运动员专项能力指标体系及评定标准是 当前 科学 训练 形势 迅速 发展的客观要求,也是发展我国男子撑竿跳高运动水平的重要措施。

  • The Strategic Research of Main Factors that Affect the Achievements of Chinese Female Pole - vaulter

    影响我国女子 撑杆跳 成绩的主要因素及对策研究

  • As he lay on his back and heard the crowd moan he knew the other vaulter had missed his final jump .

    仰面躺着,听到观众席上发出一阵叹息声,就知道另一 选手的最后一跳失败了。

  • Born in the United States to Greek parents Clentzos was a pole vaulter at the University of Southern California in the early1930s .

    克伦特佐斯的双亲都是希腊人,不外他是在美国出生的。克伦特佐斯在上个世纪三十年月是美国南加州大学的一名 撑竿 跳高活动员。

  • The study points out that the selecting of modern female pole vaulter will transit from young gymnasts to all-round athletes and proceed with the method of training from the young .

    结果表明:女子 撑竿 跳高优秀运动员的选材将从体操选手 多数向全能选手 多数过渡,并随该项目 发展,将最终走从小培养、 多年训练的道路;