



  • HPH pathogenesis includes following hypotheses ( 1 ) proportion inbalance of the vasoconstrictor hormone and vasodilator hormone at high altitude environment ;

    HPH的发病机理有如下几种学说:①在高原环境下扩血管和 血管激素的比例失调;

  • Objective : Modification of tumor vascular hemodynamics after application of vasoconstrictor .

    目的:研究 血管 收缩 对肿瘤血流动力学的改变,探讨其对 病变 诊断 作用

  • These results indicate that the INS-pressor response is mediated by RVL ( a - & and M-receptors ) - sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerve system .

    上述结果表明岛皮层引起的升压反应是由RVL(α-,β-和M-受体)-交感 血管神经系统介导的。

  • Influence of methylene blue on vasoconstrictor response to spinal sympathetic nerve stimulation in pithed rat hind limb

    美蓝对电刺激毁脑脊髓大鼠交感神经诱发的后肢 血管反应的影响

  • Overexpression of these cytokines plays an important role in the phenotype of vascular wall cells including cell proliferation and matrix protein expression as well as response to vasoconstrictor and the vasodilator vascular changes .

    这些细胞因子的过度表达对血管壁细胞的表型,包括细胞增殖和基质蛋白的表达,以及对 血管和舒血管物质反应的改变都起了重要的作用。

  • Conclusion 5-HT could potentiate the intrapulmonary vasoconstrictor response to NA .

    结论5-HT可加强NA对肺内 血管 收缩 作用

  • Effects of EDRF on the vasoconstrictor action of NE in rat aorta

    EDRF对NE 引起的大鼠主动脉 血管效应的作用

  • Study of Hemodynamic Changes in Mouse Tumor after Application of Vasoconstrictor

    血管 收缩 对大鼠肿瘤血流动力学改变的研究

  • The results show ; ( 1 ) The increased hepatic vasoconstrictor reactivity and the adhesive function of platelets in viral infection are the basic mechanism of the hepatic microcirculatory disturbance .

    结果提示:(1)在病毒感染中肝 血管 收缩反应性上升及血小板粘附功能增强是肝微循环障碍发生的基础。

  • In recent years the neurotransmitter serotonin ( 5-HT a potent vasoconstrictor factor ) is considered to play a major role in the pathogenesis of migraine .

    近年来,神经递质5-羟色胺(5-HT,一种强效的 血管 收缩因子)被认为在偏头痛的发病机制中起着主要作用。

  • Neuropeptide Y ( NPY ) has the strong cardiovascular effects . It not only has direct and indirect vasoconstrictor effects but also has inotropic and chronotropic effects on the myocardial cells .

    神经肽Y(NPY)具有强大的心血管活性作用,它既可直接或间接 作用血管 平滑肌细胞 增强 血管功能,又可作用于心肌细胞,影响心肌 活性

  • Conclusion : TSE has vasoconstrictor effects .

    结论:TSE有 使 动脉 血管 收缩的作用。

  • TSE ( 35 μ g / ml ) enhanced the vasoconstrictor effects of NE and KCl .

    TSE(35μg/ml)能加强NE和KCl的 血管效应( P 0.05)。

  • A Study on Human Vasoconstrictor Test for for Corticosteroids

    皮质激素对人体 血管 收缩试验的研究

  • PDGF is a potent mitogen for cells of mesenchymal origin a stimulator for connective tissue-forming cells to produce extracellular matrices and a potent vasoconstrictor .

    PDGF是间质源性细胞的促有丝分裂因子,刺激细胞外基质成分的产生,并促进 血管 收缩

  • Changes of vasoconstrictor and vasodilator functions of isolated thoracic aorta rings in rats with obstructive jaundice

    阻塞性黄疸大鼠离体胸主动脉 收缩与舒张功能的变化

  • Endothelin ( ET ) a powerful vasoconstrictor and mitogen for smooth muscle play a key role in human pulmonary hypertension ( PH ) by pulmonary vasoconstriction and pulmonary vascular remodeling ( PVR ) .

    内皮素(ET)作为强大的 血管 物质和强有丝分裂原,通过促进肺血管收缩和肺血管重塑的作用,在人类肺动脉高压的形成和发展过程中起重要的作用。

  • Conclusion CRA seems to be relate to the renal and splenic hemodynamics also relate to the histology the Doppler parameters of portal hypertension and the activity of vasoconstrictor systems .

    结论视网膜中动脉可能与肾脏、脾脏的血流动力学变化有关,同样与组织学、门脉高压多普勒参数和 血管 收缩系统的活性有关。

  • In acutely sympathetically denervated areas the skin or extremity is warm because of loss of sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone .

    急性失交感神经支配的皮肤或者肢端由于失去了交感性 血管神经紧张 作用,皮肤是温暖的。

  • Endothelin : Endothelin-1 is another potent vasoconstrictor peptide that can exert important effects on cardiac myocyte growth and phenotype .

    ⑷内皮素:内皮素-1是又一个强效的 血管 收缩肽,对心肌细胞的生长和表型有重要影响。

  • Vasoconstrictor infusions and / or embolization were performed in 9 cases .

    9例行介入性治疗,采用 血管 收缩 持续灌注和(或)栓塞。

  • Objective To analysis the effect of swimming in sea on soldiers ' cardiovascular system and vasodilator and vasoconstrictor in plasm .

    目的探讨海 指战员心血管系统及血浆NO,ET水平的影响。

  • Effects of inhalational anesthesia combined with intravenous anesthesia on plasma vasoconstrictor and vasodilator during clipping of intracranial aneurysm

    静吸复合麻醉对脑动脉瘤夹闭术中 收缩和舒张血管物质的影响

  • Responses of arteries to vasoconstrictor were examined in vitro using isolated femoral and mesenteric arterial rings .

    利用离体动脉血管环技术测定5组大鼠股动脉和肠系膜动脉对 血管 收缩 的反应。

  • In the capillaries it plays the role of vasoconstrictor increase blood pressure .

    在微血管中,它起到 收缩 血管升高血压的作用。