


  • Three years developing observation on human immunological response to sperm antigen before and after vasal sterilization


  • Clinical Study on Ultrasonic Treatment oF Epididymal Stasis Following Vasal Sterilization

    超声波治疗 输精管绝育术后附睾郁积症的临床研究

  • Although the success rate of vasal reconstruction is lower than those achieved after vasectomy reversal the operation is worthwhile for improvement of patients ' life quality .

    尽管重建术后的 妊娠率较男性 输精管结扎再 低,但 大多数学者仍 主张外科重建以提高生活质量。

  • Experiences on 15 microsurgical vasal reanastomosis

    显微外科 输精管再吻合15例分析

  • Objective To investigate the effect of vasal viscoelasticity on wall shear stress of pulsatile flow under the influence of Rolling Massage .

    目的研究 血管粘弹性对脉动血流在扌衮 推拿作用下切应力的影响。

  • RESULTS The histological responses consisted of inflammatory cell infiltration necrosis vasal responses and fibroplasia .

    结果组织学反应以炎细胞浸润、坏死、 血管反应及纤维组织增生为主。