variable-length code


  • As a result while simple code using variable-length arrays will work a lot of code will run into the differences between the older GNU C support for VLAs and the C99 definition .

    结果,虽然使用 数组的简单代码将可以工作,但是大量的 代码会遇到旧的GNUC对VLA的支持与C99定义之间在在差异的麻烦。

  • Variable-length code ( VLC ) is the most popular data-compression technique which has been used in many data compression standards such as JPEG MPEG-2 and H.263 . The recursive iteration of the decoding process limits the achievable decoding throughput .


  • A single barrel shift register has been used to achieve the function that variable-length code stream can be read continuously .

    采用单一桶式移位寄存器达到连续读取 码流功能。

  • A Novel Symmetrical Reversible Variable-length Code Based on Cost-evaluating

    一种新型的可逆 &代价测评对称可逆变长码

  • Design of Real-Time Image-Decoding and Reconstructing System Based on Variable-Length Code


  • The biggest characteristic of Golomb code is to choose the length to variable-length coding method which can reduce code word length of growth rate .

    Golomb编码最大的特点就是选择了 长到 的编码方式,这样 编码方式灵活,且会使 代码字的长度降低。

  • To restrain the spatial error propagation of video coding a joint source / channel convolutional coding algorithm for variable-length code ( VLC ) is proposed .

    为了抑制视频编码在空间方向的误码扩散,提出了针对 编码的信源信道联合卷积编码算法。

  • MPEG-2 video decoding composes of sub-procedures such as variable-length code ( VLC ) anti-scan anti-quantify IDCT and motion compensation .

    而MPEG-2视频解码过程主要包括 可变 解码、反扫描、反量化、IDCT和运动补偿等子过程。

  • Iris recognition based on zero-crossing position of wavelet transform and variable-length code matching

    基于小波过零点位置 不等 编码匹配的虹膜识别