


  • These measures would prevent the cubitus varus or valgus deformity .

    上述措施可防止出现肘 内翻或外翻畸形。

  • The key to preventing cubitus varus is reasonable reduction and fixation and fixation and early exact x-ray appraisal .

    预防肘 内翻 关健是合理的复位与固定及早期正确的X线评价。

  • External fixation for supracondylar fracture of humerus is improved for the effective prevention of cubitus varus .

    整合改良肱骨髁上骨折的外固定,使之能更有效地预防肘 内翻

  • Effect of intraoperative Baumann 's angle and cubitus varus deformity after humeral supracondylar fracture of children

    术中Baumann角在儿童肱骨髁上骨折术后肘 内翻中的作用

  • Result Rigid ankle foot orthoses could supply a reasonable motion in three levels control ankle joint plantarflexion varus and valgus and inhabit spasticity .

    结果硬踝足矫形器能够在三个平面提供合理的运动控制,能较好地控制踝跖屈、 内外翻及抑制痉挛。

  • Cubitus varus is the most difficult question in the treatment of humeral supracondylar fracture in children .

    目的探讨改良术式加固儿童肱骨髁上骨折稳定性及纠正肘 内翻 畸形的效果。

  • The application study on measuring varus inclination of the proximal tibial by three-dimensional images

    采用三维图像测量胫骨平台 内翻角度的应用研究

  • Meanwhile cubitus varus is the most common complication of the supracondylar fracture of humerus .


  • Valgus Tension Fixture in Prevention and Treatment of Cubitus Varus after Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus in Children

    外翻张力固定预防和治疗小儿肱骨髁上骨折后肘 内翻

  • The measured variables were axial rotation varus angulation lateral translation and anterior translation .

    测量变量为轴向旋转、 内翻角、外向平移和前向平移。

  • Objective To study desired operation method of treatment cubitus varus deformity in children .

    目的研究治疗儿童肘 内翻畸形的手术方法。

  • Methods Sixteen elderly patients with varus knee were selected .

    方法对老年 内翻患者16例 26膝采用 上述方法 手术

  • Early diagnosis prevention and treatment of cubitus varus are discussed .

    着重讨论了肘 内翻 畸形 发生 机理、早期诊断及预防治疗。

  • No complication such as lower limb discrepancy cubitus varus and valgus deformity happened Function was restored well .

    术后无感染,未发生骨不连、 畸形愈合和骨髓损伤。

  • During infusion the patient developed polyhidrosis hypermyotonia of both lower extremities as well as talipes varus and inflexion .

    输液过程中,患者出现大汗淋漓,双下肢肌张力增高,足 内翻屈曲。

  • Polylactic acid-glycolic acid absorbable suture of single-layer single-week consecutive varus Fung All esophageal anastomosis for clinical research

    聚乳酸羟基乙酸可吸收缝线单层单周连续 内翻逢合用于食管癌吻合的临床研究

  • Clinical Observation of Pin Therapy Combined with Rehabilitation Training for PostStroke Varus Foot

    排针疗法结合康复训练治疗脑卒中后足 内翻的临床观察

  • Most importantly there was no evidence of varus collapse as a result of polyaxial screw failure .

    最重要的是,没有1例有预示多轴固定系统失败的 内翻塌陷出现。

  • Conclusion : There are two main factors of formation for the children elbow varus deformity : the main causes is epiphysial dysplasia after fracture and imbalance growth of epiphysis ;

    结论:儿童肘 内翻形成主要有两种因素:一是骨折后导致骨骺发育异常,内外侧骨骺生长不平衡,此为主要成因;

  • A model of analysing varus elbow after the fracture of humerus is mentioned in this paper .

    本文提出了一个分析肘 内翻的力学计算模型。

  • The clinical research of high tibial Wedge osteotomy in the treatment of varus knee deformity

    胫骨高位楔形截骨治疗 创伤性膝关节 内翻畸形的临床研究

  • For varus rotation we observed significant increases in instability after FCL sectioning at all flexion angles .


  • Mechanical analysis of total knee arthroplasty for knee varus deformity

    膝关节置换治疗膝 内翻畸形的力学分析

  • Management with total knee arthroplasty for knee arthrositis with varus

    合并膝 内翻骨性关节炎全膝关节置换的处理

  • Fracture healing elbow flexion and extension functions elbow carrying angle and the incidence of cubitus varus .

    观察骨折愈合情况、肘关节屈伸功能、肘关节携带角变化及肘 内翻 畸形的发生率。

  • There was no varus knee instability in full extension .

    18例患者完全伸直位均无 内翻不稳,屈膝 30 °位时膝关节 内翻不稳2

  • Conclusions Coxa varus is the main complication of unstable intertrochanteric femoral fracture in aged patient after internal fixation .

    结论髋 内翻是老年患者不稳定性股骨转子间骨折内固定术后的主要并发症。

  • The Influence of Osteoporosis on Varus Osteoarthritis of the Knee

    骨质疏松对膝关节 内翻 畸形性骨关节炎的影响

  • There was no deep infection or myositis ossificans cubitus varus was not seen .

    术后未见创口深部感染,无一例肘 内翻及骨化性肌炎并发症,也无其他神经血管并发症。

  • Frequently happened sequela of this kind of fracture is elbow varus .

    这种骨折最常见的后遗症为肘 内翻 畸形